Funding in Germany

In Germany, there are numerous state subsidies and grants from the federal and state governments that companies can take advantage of. We know the German (and European) funding landscape and all the important funding programmes so that we can find exactly the right one for your project.

Types of funding

The types of funding available in Germany include grants, low-interest loans, subsidised consulting services and federal funding programmes:

  • Non-repayable grants are of particular interest to companies and are used for investments or development projects for new products and processes. A prerequisite for non-repayability is the proper utilisation of the funding.
  • The research allowance "Forschungszulage" is a tax subsidy in the area of R&D for personnel expenses and contract research and can also be applied for retrospectively.
  • Companies also benefit from low-interest loans offered by state institutions or development banks such as KfW (Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau).
  • Consulting and coaching services are also funded by the state: The innovation voucher "go-inno" covers half of the costs for external consulting; the programme "Förderung von Unternehmensberatungen für KMU" (Promotion of business consulting for SMEs) even covers all costs. Such services can be used for topics such as business start-ups, company development, succession planning or international market development.
  • Funding programmes of the federal states also offer support at a local level and focus on creating jobs, strengthening the economy or promoting regionally required innovations.

We will be happy to advise you on which funding programme is best for your project and also support you with the application and processing. We attach great importance to an individual, customised funding roadmap so that you can make the best possible use of the available grants.

The German funding landscape at a glance

Germany has an established culture of funding through various federal ministries such as the BMBF, BMWK, BMU and BMEL. Their funding programmes contribute to important goals such as the energy transition or increasing economic strength. These are supplemented by funding programmes of the individual states. You can read more about the funding landscape in Germany – clearly and simply explained in our blog article.

Do you lack an overview? Are you looking for a suitable funding programme? Then we would be happy to act as a compass for you and navigate you successfully through the German funding landscape.

Would you like to find out more about funding in Germany?
Then get in touch with us!


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