Grant­ management

State funding is an important lever for companies to drive innovation and make investments. Take advantage of our expertise and outsource time-consuming administrative tasks to the EurA professionals. We accompany you through the project and manage billing, documentation, and payments.

EurA grant management in figures



experience in grant management


m €

annual funding commitments

What sets us apart from other service providers

At EurA AG, you benefit from more than 20 years of experience in grant management. With a sophisticated system, experienced funding professionals ensure that you utilise your funding in the best possible and legally compliant way.

We attach great importance to personalised customer service in project support: as a rule, you have a single contact person (plus a deputy) who knows your project inside out. Throughout the entire process, we proactively advise you on your options so that no subsidies are lost.  We use our own controlling tools for an optimal overview of costs – including various funding pots – and time management. A well-organised team of around a dozen employees is involved in accounting.

And our figures speak for themselves: in 2023 alone, we managed over 100 million euros in funding commitments for our customers.

Our grant management service



Project conception

If required, we can help you conceptualise the solution for your innovation project in advance, e.g. with a workshop in the discovery phase. This allows you to set up your project in the best possible way.


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Funding advice

We help you to identify suitable funding programmes and cooperation partners. You can rely on our expertise in funding advice.




Funding application

We will be happy to prepare the funding application, which can span several dozen pages, for you. We will submit all the necessary documents in full and on time.




Project support

When it comes to complete documentation that can be reviewed at any time, we support you. This includes checking documents for completeness – such as timesheets, copies of invoices with payment receipts and written reports.




Funding call-off

We prepare the payment requests to the funding organisation for you. You then only need to send the documents to the project sponsor. Calls for funds are usually due every three, six or twelve months. You will receive the funding directly into your account.


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Funding controlling

We manage your funding transparently in line with the budget planning, communicate the target/actual status at all times and ensure that deadlines are met in accordance with the grant notification. We also prepare the necessary change requests for reallocation of funds or project extensions for you, as well as the cancellation of blocks on funds.





Last but not least, you can use our procurement service for awarding contracts to suppliers so that your purchasing department is always legally compliant. In the event of an audit by the Federal Audit Office (Bundesrechnungshof), we can access your mirror file.


External grant management pays off

Make full use of funding

Professional handling of funding is essential for the full utilisation of the funding amount. Many companies therefore place project support in our hands. This has many advantages:

  • You increase your chances of being eligible for funding. As professionals, we support you right from the start of the funding project.
  • You ensure that you do not "give away" any subsidies. As project costs can also change over the course of a project, we keep a constant eye on them. Thanks to our project controlling, we can apply for funding shifts and reallocations at an early stage.
  • You can spend more time on tasks that are really important for your team, as the external administration of funding is more efficient. We take over time-consuming administrative tasks. For example, we can prepare the funding statement for you based on your timesheets and receipts.
  • You benefit from our experience. We ensure that the funding is used legally compliant and is not reduced. Insufficient project controlling, for example, can lead to the funding amount not being fully utilised. In the worst case, incomplete or false information can also be interpreted as grant cheating and is penalised accordingly.
  • You don't have to worry about communicating with the funding organisation  and external auditors. We can take care of this for you, for example when it comes to providing evidence and reports on time.
  • You have a better overview thanks to the bundling of all administrative work. You can see at a glance at any time which subsidies have been called up and what the current status is.

Simply outsource the billing

If you have already submitted your application yourself: You have taken the first big step with the grant notification and can look forward to the first payment. However, this not only marks the start of the realisation of your innovation, but also the invoicing of costs, the monitoring of project progress and the creation of reports. We are happy to take these administrative tasks off your hands. In this way, EurA grant management relieves your specialised departments.

How exactly does our project support work?

The billing of funding projects by EurA

Our billing department is on hand to assist you with project controlling, the call-off of funds and the billing of subsidised projects. All grants are professionally monitored and accounted for here, taking into account subsidy-related aspects from the start to the end of the project.

We are there for you and support you every step of the way: At the start of the project, we prepare you for the billing-specific requirements in a kick-off meeting. You will also receive a briefing on what you need to pay attention to and what documents we expect you to supply.

  • Overall project planning
  • Personnel cost calculation
  • Plan/actual comparisons
  • Checking material costs
  • Checking timesheets
  • Reallocation requests for costs
  • Cost calculation
  • Listing of cost items
  • Review of costs for equipment
  • Support with progress and final reports
  • Preparation of progress and where-used lists (commercial reporting section)
  • Preparation for the financial audit

We invite you to outsource your grant management to us. Rely on our expertise and leave the management of your funds to us so that you can concentrate on the essentials: the success of your funding project.


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73479 Ellwangen

T- 079619256-0