How to find us at EurA AG in Kiel

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Clear sea air, countless beaches, picturesque nature and the proximity to the Hamburg metropolitan region and Scandinavia characterise the economic region of Schleswig-Holstein. At EurA AG, we support the market leaders of tomorrow by advising our clients on the change processes required for the green transformation. With our Kiel branch, we are in the immediate vicinity – as your local contact in Schleswig-Holstein.

How to find us:

Kiel office
Sophienblatt 40
24103 Kiel


We would like to support you!

Feel free to contact us about our current consulting specialisms in the areas of emission-free mobility, automated and autonomous driving and flying, 5G campus networks and topics relating to renewable energies. Our experienced colleagues will also familiarise themselves with other topics in order to find the best solution for you. We are happy to provide individual funding advice by carrying out a needs analysis for you in order to subsequently realise the joint application and project management. This will turn your idea into a genuine innovation. Would you like to have your development work subsidised at state, federal or European level? We offer you the option of outsourcing these processes at every stage. No matter where you currently stand in your research and development work – we will pick you up!

Start-ups and
large companies

Are you responsible for R&D in your company, are you looking for project partners or do you need funding? We will be happy to advise you.

Universities and
research institutions

We are there for you if you are looking for collaborations for your research project and want to acquire public funding.
Icon Kommune

Municipalities and public institutions

If you need a competent partner to navigate you safely through the funding jungle, please contact us.

Our services in Kiel

EurA provides you with a comprehensive range of services covering all aspects of innovation. Take advantage of our expertise and choose the right service for your project from our range of services.

Funding check

The funding check identifies suitable European and national funding opportunities for you and helps you to strategically align your research and development activities. The aim is to select suitable funding programmes. 
Use the individual and project-specific advice of our specialists to find customised solutions to your questions.


Funding application

As an expert in European and national funding, EurA knows the funding landscape inside out. Ongoing screening of current funding programmes and calls enables us to provide you with the best possible advice.
Our services cover the entire funding process: from project conceptualisation and competent application to project support and beyond.
We have special experience and expertise in state funding from the federal state of Schleswig-Holstein. In the international field, we are also successfully active in selected EU programmes within the framework of HORIZON Europe.
Thanks to our many years of experience in the field of sustainable mobility and renewable energies, we also have the relevant expertise in innovation and funding opportunities specific to these sectors. Take advantage of our experience in the areas of automated, connected and electric driving, unmanned aircraft vehicles (UAV) and drone aviation, decentralised energy supply and integration of the 5G mobile communications standard in areas of mobility.

Project conception

We provide you and your research project with comprehensive support during the application process. This includes, among other things, the rough structuring of the project in terms of personnel planning, work package planning and other resources. We guide you through the entire project concept. The goal is a structured approach that also includes the interfaces to potential project partners. Questions relating to the project concept include
- What are the critical milestones on your development path?

- How can development risks be minimised?
- Where do you need external expertise?
With our support during the project conception phase, you can implement your project efficiently and in a structured manner.

Innovation networks and exchange

The central element of innovation networks is the networking and initiation of project plans. We network you both horizontally and vertically along your value chain with other partners. By providing insights into other processes, we realise your ideas and encourage the transfer of knowledge.
As a network management organisation, we bring you together, whether in online meetings, face-to-face meetings with network partners or at interesting, network-relevant locations on site.

With news from the network, specialist presentations, information on current funding programmes, market information, project workshops, laboratory and company tours, we regularly organise interesting and exciting network meetings.
Ask us today about your networking and co-operation opportunities in the field of innovation networks.


Project support

We support you beyond the project conception and application phases. The most important aspect of project monitoring is supporting the call for funds from the project organiser.
When it comes to meeting deadlines and conditions, we take over the preparation of plan/actual comparisons and commercial reporting. We provide feedback on the reports for technical reporting to the project organisers.

Our focal ­points


Mobility of the future

EurA as part of the solution for sustainable, emission-free mobility with vehicles that navigate autonomously through smart cities and landscapes and integrate seamlessly into a network. Our goal is to bring about the revolution of electric drives and connected vehicles with our partner networks to make our roads quieter, cleaner and greener.



Superconductors are pioneering technologies that can revolutionise our understanding of energy transmission and storage. They enable the transmission of large amounts of electricity via comparatively thin cables, which saves space and protects our environment. We, EurA, support our partners with our expertise and our large network in the development of the technology to enable reliability and stability of the electricity grids.

Communication networks

EurA is involved in the development of 5G campus networks, which will play a key role in future autonomous mobility. The amount of data transmitted by vehicles will increase rapidly in the coming years. Only 5G/6G can ensure that a global communications landscape can drive innovation, create new business opportunities and improve people's daily lives.

Energy & Transformation

Companies are faced with the challenge of transforming their products, processes, systems and buildings to make them more energy-efficient and sustainable. EurA is committed to ensuring that this is done effectively and efficiently without a great deal of wastage. Get professional advice on refurbishment issues, eligibility for subsidies and sustainability.

EurA – networked throughout Europe

EurA is the market leader in the management and development of innovation networks in Germany. We dovetail science and business and thus create an effective collaboration of complementary forces from the idea to market entry. Develop technologies of the future together with us, benefit from the crowd intelligence of highly competent partners and put your company on a sustainable footing. EurA in Schleswig-Holstein currently supports the following networks:


Network SupraHEET

The aim of the network is to develop new products, processes and services in the field of superconductor technology, particularly from the point of view of synergy effects through the use of liquid hydrogen LH2 as a coolant and as a storable energy carrier.


Network USAI

The USAI network brings together experts in the field of unmanned systems for autonomous inspections.


Network MoPeNZ

The MoPeNZ network brings together experts on the topic of "Modular open platform solutions for electronic commercial vehicles" (3.5 - 5 tonnes).


Network ISKNET

Innovation network for systems and components for high-performance communication networks.


You can find interesting blog articles about our main topics and services on our blog.

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E-mobility: new regulations for light commercial and special vehicles

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EurA supports start-up HIVESOUND: innovation coaching on the road to success

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Heating and building networks: efficient ways to achieve the energy transition

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Max-Eyth-Straße 2
73479 Ellwangen

T- 079619256-0