BAFA module 2: process heat from renewable energies – a funding guide

+++ Energy consulting blog series (part 3) +++ Many industries depend on process heat, whether they are in metal processing, food production or the chemical industry. It is still mainly generated...

BMEL Innovation Support Programme and DIP-Agrar for agricultural R&D projects

Innovations for the Agriculture of Tomorrow: The German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) offers two funding opportunities to support agricultural innovation. First, it has established...

BAFA module 1: investment funding for cross-cutting technologies and practical examples

+++ Energy consulting blog series (part 2) +++ The energy transition is a challenge, but also an opportunity for companies to operate more sustainably while saving costs. The focus here is on...

VSME standard for SMEs: everything you need to know

The requirements for sustainability reporting are growing – even for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Although unlisted SMEs are not subject to the mandatory Corporate Sustainability...

BAFA module 2: process heat from renewable energies – a funding guide

+++ Energy consulting blog series (part 3) +++ Many industries depend on process heat, whether they are in metal processing, food production or the ...

BMEL Innovation Support Programme and DIP-Agrar for agricultural R&D projects

Innovations for the Agriculture of Tomorrow: The German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) offers two funding opportunities to support ...

BAFA module 1: investment funding for cross-cutting technologies and practical examples

+++ Energy consulting blog series (part 2) +++ The energy transition is a challenge, but also an opportunity for companies to operate more ...

VSME standard for SMEs: everything you need to know

The requirements for sustainability reporting are growing – even for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Although unlisted SMEs are not ...

How are energy consulting and investment funding related?

+++ Energy consulting blog series (part 1) +++ In an era when climate protection and sustainability are central social issues, energy consulting ...

OECD Guidelines – orientation for large and small companies

The business world is more globally networked than ever before, which presents companies with the challenge of operating profitably and at the same ...

New ZIM guideline from 2025: better funding for SMEs

The Central Innovation Programme for SMEs (ZIM) will continue with a new and improved guideline from 1 January 2025. The Federal Ministry for ...

How 5G and AI are revolutionising the manufacturing industry

Efficiency, flexibility and responsiveness are key success factors in modern manufacturing. However, traditional network technologies such as WLAN ...

Passive radar technology for environmentally friendly wind turbines

Increasing the efficiency and ecological compatibility of wind turbines is a key issue in the field of renewable energies. One particularly important ...

E-mobility: new regulations for light commercial and special vehicles

The European automotive industry is at a turning point. The electromobility megatrend and the EU's ambitious climate targets are demanding ...

EurA supports start-up HIVESOUND: innovation coaching on the road to success

HIVESOUND, a start-up from Hamburg, uses EurA's expertise within the funding of the EXIST program, which supports innovative start-up ideas. Thanks ...

Heating and building networks: efficient ways to achieve the energy transition

The need for energy supply from renewable resources is becoming increasingly urgent in today's world. The energy transition requires not only a ...

EIC Accelerator 2025: What will change for start-ups and SMEs?

With the EIC Accelerator, the EU has launched a funding program through the European Innovation Council (EIC) that is aimed at the top companies of ...

Waste heat: an untapped potential for energy savings

Today, energy efficiency is not just a buzzword, but a necessity for companies that want to reduce both their costs and their environmental ...

EU Innovation Fund: EurA achieves outstanding success

Six out of six submissions in which EurA AG played a major role received a total of 255 million euros in EU funding. The Innovation Fund is the ...

Frameworks for sustainable finance: new EurA service

EurA is now supporting the creation of frameworks for sustainable financing, which serve as the basis for green, social and sustainability bonds and ...

Why so many innovations fail on the market

Have you developed an innovative technology and are wondering why its market success is lagging behind expectations? You are not alone. According to ...

Deadline for the introduction of energy management is expiring

Time is running out: companies with a total energy consumption of more than 7.5 GWh have until 18 July 2025 to implement an energy management system. ...

CSRD: Opportunities of the EU directive for SMEs

The CSRD confronts firms with new challenges, requires time and resources, but also opens up numerous opportunities to promote sustainability within ...

Testing the SMILE24 public transport model of the future

The innovative SMILE24 public transport model, which has been in operation in the Schlei region of Schleswig-Holstein since 29 March 2024, was tested ...

InvestBW: State's Largest Funding Programme Open to All Industries – New Call

The Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Tourism has initiated Invest BW as the largest open-sector investment and innovation funding program in ...

Federal funding for industry and climate protection

On August 23, 2024, the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) published the long-awaited guideline “Federal Funding for ...

Innovation on a small budget: what frugal approaches can achieve

Frugal innovation is an approach that aims to create innovations in a simple and efficient way and with a minimal use of resources. The term is ...

Market launch: using ZIM services and funding opportunities

The Central Innovation Programme for SMEs (ZIM) offers extensive funding for the market launch of innovative products, processes and services. This ...

Healing bone fractures: from the implant back to the bone

Anyone who has ever suffered a broken bone is aware of how time-consuming the healing process is and how much this can affect everyday life. ...

ZIM evaluation 2024: What effect does the funding programme have?

The current evaluation of the Central Innovation Programme for SMEs (Zentrales Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand, ZIM) highlights the crucial role of ...

Visibility and financial support for female founders

There are still significantly fewer women than men venturing into self-employment and thus starting a business. Even though the "KfW Entrepreneurship ...

Consultancy Vouchers Africa: 85 % funding for your market entry

The African continent offers high-growth markets that offer different opportunities depending on the country. However, the continent is diverse and ...

Quantum computing – what is it and what is needed for it? 

There are already functioning quantum computers since 1990s. However, quantum computing is still largely at the basic research stage. Building a ...

EIC Transition: cutting-edge technologies on the way to commercialisation

As one of three funding programmes of the European Innovation Council (EIC), the EIC Transition focuses on a very special phase in the process of ...

Nearshoring to Bulgaria: 6 reasons for German companies

In today's globalised world, companies are constantly looking for ways to reduce their operating costs and increase efficiency at the same time. One ...

News on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD)

The European Supply Chain Directive (Corporate Due Diligence Directive, CSDDD) was published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 5 July ...

EU Battery Regulation: guide to calculating the carbon footprint

With the new EU Battery Regulation 2023/1542, a declaration on the carbon footprint of the battery is also required in the digital product passport. ...

Unleashing the future: liquid hydrogen as a clean energy solution

The demand for clean energy solutions has never been greater. One of the most promising candidates in this area is cryogenic hydrogen - hydrogen that ...

Superconductivity – a lean solution to a big problem?

A well-known saying coined by the science fiction author R. A. Heinlein is: ‘There is no such thing as a free lunch’. Loosely translated, this means: ...

10 million euros for innovations: new call for IGP funding

Now it's time to be quick. The current IGP funding call targets business models and pioneering solutions for healthcare innovations. The deadline is ...

Bringing green innovations to LIFE

L'Instrument Financier pour l'Environnement (LIFE) is the only European funding programme that focuses exclusively on supporting projects in the ...

ZIM feasibility study: the key to a well-founded decision

Before a company invests in the development and realisation of an idea, it is important to carefully examine its feasibility and prospects of ...

Results of the first European hydrogen auction

The European Commission has announced the results of the first European hydrogen auction. A total of seven projects from four countries were selected ...

Green light for the decarbonisation of the industrial SME sector

On 10 April 2024, the European Commission gave the green light for federal funding for industry and climate protection (BIK). The BIK promotes ...

EIC Pathfinder 2024: fostering visionary research and development

As one of the three funding programmes of the European Innovation Council (EIC), the EIC Pathfinder starts at the very beginning of a good idea. The ...

Agricultural transformation with cultured meat and seafood

In the current food system, animal farming contributes to 17% of total greenhouse gas emissions, yet it only provides 18% of global calories and 37% ...

Women TechEU: Women at the forefront of deeptech innovation

Women TechEU, the EU funding program for female founders in deeptech start-ups, is entering a new round. Find out how you can apply and what ...

BMWK funding for energy-efficient air conditioning systems extended

The German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) is continuing to promote energy-efficient refrigeration and air conditioning ...

10 good reasons for environmental product declarations (EPDs)

The use of Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) is becoming a strategic competitive advantage as awareness of environmental impacts such as ...

EIC Accelerator 2024: Funding for disruptive deep tech start-ups and SMEs

With the EIC Accelerator, the EU and its European Innovation Council (EIC) have launched a funding programme aimed at the top companies of tomorrow. ...

BAFA energy subsidy programs: application possible again

Following the successful resolution of the budget debate in the Bundestag, the energy funding programs are once again accessible and applications can ...

Growth Opportunities Act: changes to the research allowance

On 27 March 2024, the German Bundesrat announced the Wachstumschancengesetz (Growth Opportunities Act). Some attractive improvements to the possible ...

Amendment to the application form for the tax research allowance

The Bescheinigungsstelle Forschungszulage (BSFZ) (Certification Body for Research Grants) revised and adapted the application form for the ...

SMILE24: EurA is involved as sub-project manager

EurA has successfully applied for funding of around EUR 30 million as part of the "Model projects to strengthen public transport" funding program of ...

Innovation Fund: financial planning and determination of relevant costs

+++ Innovation Fund blog series (part 6) +++ A key component of financial planning in the Innovation Fund is determining the so-called relevant ...

EU Innovation Fund: Calculation of greenhouse gas savings

+++ Innovation Fund blog series (part 5) +++ Calculating greenhouse gas savings is a core topic of the Innovation Fund. This is because the EU ...

Hydrogen: energy source of the future for electricity, heat and industry

Hydrogen serves as an efficient energy storage medium and is used in electrical power generation, heat production and chemical processes. Hydrogen ...

Requirements for the Innovation Fund: feasibility study and business plan

+++ Innovation Fund blog series (part 4) +++ The attractive funding conditions are associated with very demanding project selection criteria. In ...

The centrepiece of an Innovation Fund application: part B

+++ Innovation Fund blog series (part 3) +++ An Innovation Fund application is one of the most complex funding applications in the European Union. It ...

EU Innovation Fund: Overview of the Funding Programme

+++ Innovation Fund blog series (part 2) +++ With the Innovation Fund, the EU aims to invest in new technologies that significantly push forward the ...

LCA and recycling trends in the battery sector - Conference in Lille

The importance of electricity storage systems is growing with the energy transition. The development of sustainable battery systems was the focus of ...

Forschungszulage (research allowance) 2024: improvements through new law

The planned Wachstumschancengesetz (growth opportunities act) will make the Forschungszulage (research tax allowance) even more attractive. It is ...

Innovation Fund: EU-wide auction for renewable hydrogen production

+++ Innovation Fund blog series (part 1) +++ Hydrogen plays a key role in achieving Europe's planned climate targets. However, in order to maximise ...

Hydrogen infrastructure: transport, storage and funding

The hydrogen infrastructure is crucial for the successful introduction of hydrogen and its many applications on the market. Widespread availability ...

Smart Coatings: the future of surface technology

Smart coatings are one of the major development trends in surface technology in recent years. The possible applications are diverse and offer great ...

Save CO2 and money: the "decarbonisation in the industry" funding programme

In times of growing environmental awareness and pressure to achieve climate targets, industry plays a crucial role in reducing greenhouse gas ...

Processes for sustainable hydrogen production at a glance

The hydrogen industry is on the upswing. However, to meet the market demand for environmentally friendly hydrogen, H2 must be produced from renewable ...

The Innovation Fund for 2024 – the most important news

The eagerly awaited work programme for the Innovation Fund ("Innovation Fund 2023 Net Zero Technologies") was published on 23 November 2023 - and it ...

Artificial intelligence for a more sustainable steel production

The integration of AI into the steel industry is an important step towards sustainability. The European project AID4GREENEST aims to develop new ...

International Drone Show 2023 in Odense – trendsetting for Europe

On 29th August 2023, the International Drone Show was once again held in Odense, Denmark; organised by Odense Robotics and UAS International Test ...

How to create economic added value through LCA and LCC?

In recent years, the importance of environmental awareness has increased in terms of business competitiveness. Therefore, the combination of ...

EIC funding pays off twice: the EU's Business Acceleration Services

In addition to EIC funding, benefit from the EU's Business Acceleration Services: EIC-funded companies or research institutions have the opportunity ...

Sustainable packaging: MoBiLe researches revolutionary food films

In the packaging sector, synthetic polymer films have been used for many years, especially for product protection, particularly in food packaging. ...

Grüne Gründungen.NRW – an overview of the funding programme from NRW

Shortage of skilled workers and structural change, and energy transition are three heavyweights that not only North Rhine-Westphalia will have to ...

E-health revolutionises quality of life in multiple sclerosis

What does e-health have to do with multiple sclerosis? How can it improve quality of life? In short, e-health helps people with MS take more care of ...

Self-care as an innovative force for SMEs: tips and strategies

Self-care is on everyone's lips. It's on postcards, used in advertising for body care products or yogurt, and even apps are being developed for it. ...

EU Innovation Fund: insights in proposal evaluation and reviewers’ recommendations

The evaluation process for the EU Innovation Fund consists of three steps. To boost the chances of success for your proposal, it is important to ...

Electricity storage options of the future

In order for households and industry to be reliably supplied with energy in the future, energy generation must be better planned and energy storage ...

Mastering the EU Innovation Fund: Tips for an Effective Proposal Preparation

Your project would perfectly fit in the EU Innovation Fund programme, but while preparing your application, you don’t know where to start? The list ...

IoT4Food network: 5 advantages of having innovative food projects funded

The ZIM network "IoT4Food" drives the development of new automated testing approaches and the digitalization of existing methods with companies from ...

Aquaponics - revolution for food production?

In view of advancing climate change and the associated impacts, such as land loss and water shortages, innovative and, above all, sustainable systems ...

EIC Accelerator: What are the challenges this year?

A total budget of €523.5 million is available for projects to be implemented under the EIC Accelerator Challenges. Topics of relevance to achieving ...

The EIC Accelerator: funding programme for tomorrow's market leaders

With the EIC Accelerator, the EU has launched a funding programme aimed at tomorrow's cutting-edge companies. Funding is available in particular for ...

Autonomous Driving And Flying In The 5G Campus Network

The development of the 5G campus networks as part of the 5G-TELK-NF project under the project management of EurA AG, SH branch, is creating a test ...

NRW on the rise: funding opportunities as powerful drivers of innovation

North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) is facing an unprecedented era of change and innovation. With pioneering initiatives in the areas of energy transition, ...

Announced PFAS ban puts innovation pressure on German industry

Since this spring, it has been clear what has been forecast for a long time: The PFAS group of substances is to be banned in its entirety according ...

Technology transfer: driving innovation and competitiveness

Technology transfer plays a crucial role in the transfer of knowledge, technologies and innovations from one organisation to another. This form of ...

Bees and other pollinators: an important key to greater sustainability

Did you know that in addition to the well-known honeybee, there are over 600 species of wild bees and a total of around 14,000 flower-visiting ...

Hydrogen As A Game Changer In The Energy Transition

H2 is the energy carrier of the future.The German government is backing it and promoting projects such as TH2ECO MOBILITY (Thüringer H2 Ecosystem), a ...

EurA's contribution to a lightweighting construction industry

The enormous demand for glass in the construction industry is linked to energy-intensive manufacturing processes for basic and finishing products as ...

Simply explained: Technology Readiness Level in EU funding

If you browse through the EU's funding instruments, such as the Horizon Europe Framework Programme or the European Research Council (ERC), you'll see ...

Let’s revolutionize the EU manufacturing industries!

Currently, the majority of control methods that are used to measure the quality of manufacturing processes are based on destructive methods. These ...

The energy and heat turnaround – how we can support

In order to achieve the climate goals that Germany has set for itself, it is imperative to transform the heat and power supply. Heat consumption must ...

How to properly manage the succession of a company

Handing over a company, selling it in whole or in part, or even merging companies requires tact and experience. Especially in medium-sized ...

Joint Undertaking: Sustainable and European Together

Formerly known as BBI JU (Bio-Based Industries Joiunt Undertaking), the European funding program was relaunched in 2022 and its goals are now even ...

Green­Economy Funding Booster For The Sustainable Trans­formation In NRW

Climate protection, the preservation of natural resources, good jobs and social security are inseparable from a modern and efficient economy. Many ...

Hydrogen - The Path To Clean Energy Storage

Hydrogen is an important energy carrier of the future and a fundamental component of the global energy transition. With the National Hydrogen ...

EIC Pathfinder: Making The World A Little Better

In addition to the open EIC Pathfinder Call, the European Innovation Council (EIC) is also calling for participation in the thematic Challenges this ...

EIC Pathfinder: Turning Ideas Into Ground-Breaking Reality

As one of three funding programmes of the European Innovation Council (EIC), the EIC Pathfinder enters right from the start with a good idea. EIC ...

What the New CSRD Means for SMEs

You've previously learned why it's worth preparing a sustainability report in our 10 good reasons for sustainability reporting blog article. The ...

ZIM's USAI Innovation Network Still Looking for Partners

The use of autonomous systems is seen by experts as a technical revolution due to its disruptive potential. Not only will the associated change take ...

Taking the Pulse of Our Planet With Remote Sensing

Remote sensing is an indirect exploration method for the contactless recording of the earth's surface with the help of satellites, aircraft or ...

Unique Market Selling Point via Fusion Research Integration

The Fusion Technology Transfer Call has just been launched. This funding opportunity aims to support demonstration projects where fusion technology ...

3 Tips for Profitable Bioeconomy

The National Bioeconomy Strategy from 2020 was the starting point. New bioeconomy research findings are to be applied faster in practice. The focus ...

EU Innovation Fund: €3 Billion for Decarbonisation Projects

In the context of increased revenues from the auctioning of the EUs Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) allowances, the European Commission recently ...

Lights Out: Here Comes the Progress

From turbine upgrades to dark nights, Parasol assists with all steps to secure EEG (Renewable Energy Sources Act) compensation for a wide variety of ...

EIC Accelerator 2023: What Happens Next? What Are the Deadlines?

The EIC Accelerator is one of the most exciting funding programmes for deeptech startups and innovative SMEs. However, after the last known deadline ...

German funding landscape – clearly and simply explained

The funding landscape in Germany is diverse, with various programmes and correspondingly different guidelines. These programmes are designed for ...

Why Quantum Technologies Are More Popular Than Beyoncé

6.648 billion people around the world use smartphones, devices that only function due to the mind-boggling laws of quantum mechanics. Beyoncé ...

Is Digitalisation the Future of Livestock Farming?

Due to growing livestock numbers in the farming industry, the increasing shortage of skilled workers, high-quality requirements and demands for more ...

Putting Quantum to Use: Is the Laser Losing Its Funding Landscape?

No, he already has! And many laser developers ask themselves why should I only use a single quantum when I can have a lot? #manyquantumlovers The ...

GreenTech Innovation Competition

Digital technologies make an important contribution toward preserving resources and reducing climate-destructive emissions. The potential offered by ...

From idea to market success through networks

Form strategic alliances and grow by developing new applications by using EurA’s expert platform. We connect companies and research institutions in a ...

KMU-Innovative: SME Funding Programme

KMU-innovative is the most important SME funding program of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Twice a year, companies or research ...

Municipal Networking: Working Together to Advance Climate Protection

As a municipality, company, religious or charitable foundation/association in your region, would you like to create a network with important actors ... Free Matchmaking Support for EU-funded Innovators announces an open call for expression of interest, focused on a new service package for EU beneficiaries. The programme offers promising ...

Women TechEU: Exclusive Support for Innovative Female Founders

The EU funding programme "Women TechEU" addresses female founders and co-founders of highly innovative deep-tech start-ups. The programme offers a ...

Schleswig-Holstein and Its Versatile Funding Opportunities

Schleswig-Holstein - Germany's northernmost federal state, which is also called the land between the seas, has a wide range of versatile funding ...

5 Reasons for Innovation in Meat Industry Automation

The processing of meat, from slaughtering to the packaging of the final products, offers great potential for innovative automation solutions. This ...

Superconductor Technology: What's It All About?

During the necessary energy turnaround, it is increasingly necessary today and, in the future, in addition to the fundamental conversion to ...

How to Win in the Aerospace Sector with Life Cycle Assessment

Innovation in the aerospace sector brings both direct and indirect technological benefits to humankind because these technologies are also adopted ...

At a glance: Central Innovation Programme for SMEs (ZIM)

The Central Innovation Programme for SMEs – ZIM for short – is the most important funding instrument for SMEs in Germany. The Federal Ministry for ...

Project IDcycLIB: Green Lithium Ion Batteries Through Circular Economy

The IDcycLIB project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The main objective of the IDcycLIB project is to minimise ...

Bioeconomy Innovation and Investment Programme for Rural Areas

The Bioeconomy Innovation and Investment Program (BIPL BW) of the State of Baden-Württemberg aims to promote innovation and investment in the field ...

How EurA Strengthens North Germany

EurA AG, located in Ellwangen (Baden-Württemberg), is an international consulting company in the field of innovation. Spread across 13 locations and ...

The New Swiss Accelerator

In 2021 there were bad news for Swiss Startups and SMEs, the negotiation process of Switzerland to become associated in EU’s Horizon Europe framework ...

14 Things You Should Know About Blended Finance in EIC Accelerator

Blended Finance is the new standard in the EIC Accelerator. But what exactly does it mean for applicants? Blended finance will be the new standard in ...

EIC Accelerator: Up to 17.5 Million Euros for Future Market Leaders

The EIC Accelerator supports the most innovative startups and SMEs in Europe. Who and what is funded? How to apply for the funding? Inform now! With ...

7 Steps to Investment Funding Without the Burden of Bureaucracy

How to get up to 50 percent of your investment costs refunded by the European Union, federal or state governments? We show you how. In addition to ...

Sustainability Reporting With DNK

In our blog article 10 good reasons for sustainability reporting, you get an overview of why preparing a sustainability report can be worthwhile . In ...

Why You Should Use Cross-Sector Technology Transfer

Technology transfer is the transfer of know-how and technologies. Technologies include a wide variety of technology areas, such as materials & ...

How Paper Industry Can Be More Resource-Efficient in the Future

The recycling rate of packaging paper of over 80 % is encouraging. Nevertheless, paper production from fresh fibres causes annual CO2 emissions of ...

€13M Funding for Electric Buses in Local Public Transport

Electromobility in local public transport (ÖPNV) is being used in practical trials and regular operations in more and more companies across Germany. ...

Can Research Allowance Be Combined With Other Funding Programmes?

Most funding programs do not provide 100% funding. Therefore, the question often arises whether the remaining own contribution can be funded via the ...

How to Get the Your CO2 Balance Calculation Funded

In this blog article, we present the federal funding for energy and resource efficiency in the economy. In doing so, we explicitly address the ...

Creativity as Key to Innovative Ideas and Innovations

Creativity is the optimal tool for breaking down routines, stimulating the imagination and allowing extraordinary, unique ideas and innovations to ...

How Life Cycle Cost Analysis Affects Your Business

Life Cycle Cost (LCC) of an item represents the entire cost of its possession and incorporates all the initial capital cost to obtain it, operate it, ...

Project 5G-TELK-NF: Autonomous Driving & Flying

Today's data connections in mobile communications (3G and 4G (LTE)) are increasingly reaching their limits and can no longer meet the demands placed ...

SMESH Innovation Network: Many Membership Advantages

Since the power grids in Germany are heavily utilised by the feed-in of renewable energies, ensuring an uninterrupted power supply requires high ...

Sustainability and Energy Transition: the Role of the Surface

Torrential flooding in Germany, ongoing forest fires in Australia and the USA, and a global pandemic on top of that: since 2021 at the latest, it has ...

Bay TP+: The Large Funding Pot for Development in Bavaria

Find out now how the Bavarian Technology Support Program plus (Bay TP+) supports your company in research, development & innovation. The three ...

Which funding programme suits your company based in Berlin?

With the "Programme for the Promotion of Research, Innovation and Technology (ProFIT)", the state of Berlin aims to promote ideas in all phases of ...

Research Allowance: Which Documents Are Needed?

The “steuerliche Forschungszulage” was deliberately designed by the federal government to be very simple and business-friendly. In the case of ...

Research Grants: Success Story

The fact that all German companies, regardless of size or industry, can apply for the “steuerliche Forschungszulage” is illustrated in the following ...

How to Apply for Research Allowance

The German government wants to keep the program very lean for companies and has developed a new application process for this purpose. If you would ...

Do I Need a Tax Advisor for Research Allowance?

Do you link questions such as "Which work steps/tasks and methods are/were used to achieve the goal?" and "Explain which engineering, natural ...

10 Tips for Successful Investor Meeting

Are you well prepared for your investor meeting? You want to know how to convince investors of your business idea? Our checklist helps! We show you ...

Research Allowance: First Retroactive Project Funding

Innovation has only a limited half-life! As an entrepreneur, you often find yourself in a dilemma as to whether you should apply for project funding ...

Quiet Revolution in 5 Steps: Diesel Bus Becomes Electric

An incredible short story! Do you also have an idea on the subject of electromobility? How you can reduce CO2 emissions in public transport? We will ...

Business Model Innovation in SME – Useful or Wasted Time?

Today, mainly large American corporations such as Google, Facebook or Amazon are considered to be successful innovators in the field of business ...

Practical Tip: How to Develop Innovative Ideas and Grow as a Company

You want to develop new ideas and innovations and thus build the foundations for the future success of your company? Let us show you your ...

6 Important Facts About Business Models

Today, everyone talks about the importance of business model innovation for companies. But what exactly does the buzzword “business model” mean and ...

Eurostars 3: Cross-Border Collaboration for Innovative SMEs

You are an innovative SME and would like to work together with international partners in small consortia on research and development projects? Then ...

How to benefit from sustainability in public tenders

Every year, federal and state governments make millions of euros available through public tenders. The corresponding award criteria have been ...

The Insider's Guide to LCA in Battery Recycling

With a developing market for battery technologies, recycling of used batteries gained interest and importance. The focus of recycling is the reuse of ...

How to Easily Obtain Up to 1 Million Euros in Funding From IFB Hamburg

The “Hamburgische Investitions- und Förderbank” (IFB Hamburg) provides funding of up to € 1 million to companies from Hamburg that want to implement ...

The Next Generation of Smart Protein Food

Nutritive, sustainable, innovative and trustworthy EU-produced protein alternatives are needed more than ever due to the increased demand for protein ...

The Complete Beginner's Guide to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

What is CSR? Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) refers to policies developed and practices voluntarily lived by companies and are expected to ...

Benefits of Life Cycle Assessment for Company Product/Service

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a quantitative assessment method that evaluates the resources used by a product or a service and the related impacts ...

EU Taxonomy: How Well-Prepared Is Your Company?

The European Parliament adopted the Taxonomy Regulation on 18th June 2020, following the Disclosure Regulation of 2019. It is a further key ...

How to Distinguish Innovation From Idea

Would you like to know how to turn your ideas into groundbreaking innovations? We'll show you what types of innovations there are and what you need ...

10 Good Reasons for Sustainability Reporting

Since 2017, large, capital market-oriented companies are required by German law to disclose non-financial aspects of their corporate activities. In ...

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