EurA AG, located in Ellwangen (Baden-Württemberg), is an international consulting company in the field of innovation. Spread across 13 locations and 3 countries, our focus every day is on enabling innovation. With an office in Brussels as well as an office in Portugal, EurA is also internationally represented. The northernmost office is located in Enge-Sande (Nordfriesland), not far from the Danish border.

The main focus there is on electric, autonomous and networked mobility on land and in the air, as well as renewable energies and smart grids. Especially with its focus on networks, projects and feasibility studies, the northernmost EurA branch contributes to strengthening the North.

All networks, projects and feasibility studies presented below give small insights into topics and activities that have contributed in many ways to strengthening the North and are either in the implementation phase or have already been successfully completed.

A feasibility study for the northern part of North Frisia AirConnact-NF

The innovation project AirConnect-NF deals with the topic "Unmanned Aerial Applications and Individual Air Mobility Solutions" and was funded with a sum of 105,000 euros by the Federal Ministry of Digital Affairs and Transport (BMVI).

Airconnect Logo

This feasibility study served as support and project milestone for the reopening of the former military airfield Leck. This belongs to the municipalities of Tinningstedt, Leck and Klixbüll and is expected to create economic upswing, long-term perspectives and qualified jobs for the region. Unmanned, partly autonomously operating aircraft as well as electric aviation for passenger transport are in the focus. The objective of this feasibility study was to determine the legal framework for UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) aviation, to identify possible areas of operation and users, to evaluate possible international cooperation with Denmark, and to determine the design, renovation and use of the existing runway and surrounding areas. Within this study, it became apparent that autonomous flying is currently not legally possible, but it will be launched through test fields and appropriate clauses. Denmark has already gained experience with test fields and UAV flying and can draw on existing expert knowledge. For the entire region, a positive effect to be expected, in that the special landing site EDXK in North Frisia offers the best conditions for advancing autonomous flying.

For more information on the feasibility study that has already been carried out, please visit:

The NAF-Bus projectDemand-led Autonomous Driving Bus

The German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) backed this future concept and supported the project with a sum of more than two million euros.

Logo NAF-Bus

In this project, the goal was to gain new insights into user experience and user behavior in autonomous, electrically driven vehicles. In addition, approaches for individual and social acceptance of the new transport model as well as risk-benefit trade-offs were investigated. The benefits and effects of autonomous electric vehicles in public transport were tested, demonstrated and analyzed in various test scenarios on the private premises of the Schleswig-Holstein GreenTEC Campus in Enge-Sande as well as in commuter traffic on public roads in rural areas in the Nordfriesland district, in Keitum on the North Sea island of Sylt and in the Dithmarschen district. A total of three vehicles from three different manufacturers (Navya, EasyMile, HFM) were used. The NAF Bus project started in July 2017 and ended in September 2021.

For more information to read, please visit:

5G-TELK-NF project– investigating autonomous driving & flying

5G generally stands for the fifth generation of mobile communications. It is intended to support and flexibly evolve services and applications of the future, therefore 5G will provide a faster data rate with lower loading times or delays in the transmission of data, as well as more capacity for a more efficient network.


The goal of this project is to explore the added value of a 5G campus network for Automated and Connected Driving (AVF) and Unmanned Aircraft Vehicles (UAV) applications, in real-world conditions where possible, by the end of 2023. Use cases of AVF by the Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA) and of UAV (including live accident support) will be tested at the former airfield in Leck. In addition, further use cases of the AVF as well as wind turbine and high-voltage mast inspections with drones are to be tested at the test site of the GreenTEC Campus (GTC) in Enge-Sande.

For more information, visit the homepage:

Das Innovationsnetzwerk SMESH – Smart Ennovation Schleswig-Holstein

The state network SMESH aims to make Schleswig-Holstein a world-leading location for the development, testing and deployment of innovative, decentralized, clean and environmentally friendly mini-grids. A mini-grid is an off-grid power distribution network that generates electricity on a small scale. Application solutions are to be developed in rural regions. In the form of a model region, the social and economic aspects, the interaction of producers and consumers within smart grids will be addressed. SMESH started in January 2021 and will run until December 2022. The state network is currently focusing in particular on decentralized energy applications. These are of particular importance in rural regions. The decentralized generation of electricity and heat relieves the load on the grid at distribution level.


Logo Smesh

In SMESH, diverse applications and their interaction, such as wind power and photovoltaics in generation, methods for storing energy and connecting consumers from transport, housing, digitalization and agriculture, are considered.

For more information, visit the homepage:

South Tønder Competence Network for Air Innovations – SKAI

The vision of the network is to connect mobility (land & air) in rural areas as an interface. The evaluation and implementation of autonomous mobility systems in the air as well as electric flying from mainland to islands and Halligen is also part of it.

The SKAI competence network is intended to serve as a central point of contact and advice for interested stakeholders and citizens, in order to inform themselves about topics and projects in the region relating to the conversion area and aviation, or to participate. The public will always be informed about activities and measures at the Airpark Nordfriesland as well as about projects and networks. With the development of the Airpark in Nordfriesland, the neighboring communities of Leck, Klixbüll and Tinningstedt are using the special EDXK airfield in Leck as a basis for new structural impulses and innovations in civil aviation in the region.

The cooperation

The same rural conditions and the same goals have made the cooperation between the neighboring communities of Leck, Klixbüll, Tinningstedt and Enge-Sande as well as the cooperation with regional companies, municipal representatives and the neighboring country of Denmark extremely successful in past and present networks, projects and feasibility studies.

Welchen Nutzen bekommt die Region durch die Vorhaben der EurA AG?

Through the diverse topics and projects carried out by EurA and various partners, the focus is always on improving and advancing innovations in various areas related to rural areas. The electric, autonomous and networked mobility on land and in the air will be continuously improved and expanded. Furthermore, research, development and testing will be carried out in the field of renewable energies and smart grids in order to counteract the energy turnaround, to achieve climate policy goals, as well as to make rural life flexible, noise- and emission-free for residents, to strengthen the workforce sector in the North and to help companies gain competitive advantages through innovation.

Benefit from our broad knowledge and support us in strengthening the North together! Feel free to contact us about your project idea.


Author: Joke Brodersen

Ralph Hirschberg

Your contact person
Ralph Hirschberg

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73479 Ellwangen

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