10 million euros for innovations: new call for IGP funding

Now it's time to be quick. The current IGP funding call targets business models and pioneering solutions for healthcare innovations. The deadline is ...

ZIM feasibility study: the key to a well-founded decision

Before a company invests in the development and realisation of an idea, it is important to carefully examine its feasibility and prospects of ...

Green light for the decarbonisation of the industrial SME sector

On 10 April 2024, the European Commission gave the green light for federal funding for industry and climate protection (BIK). The BIK promotes ...

BMWK funding for energy-efficient air conditioning systems extended

The German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) is continuing to promote energy-efficient refrigeration and air conditioning ...

BAFA energy subsidy programs: application possible again

Following the successful resolution of the budget debate in the Bundestag, the energy funding programs are once again accessible and applications can ...

Growth Opportunities Act: changes to the research allowance

On 27 March 2024, the German Bundesrat announced the Wachstumschancengesetz (Growth Opportunities Act). Some attractive improvements to the possible ...

Amendment to the application form for the tax research allowance

The Bescheinigungsstelle Forschungszulage (BSFZ) (Certification Body for Research Grants) revised and adapted the application form for the ...

Forschungszulage (research allowance) 2024: improvements through new law

The planned Wachstumschancengesetz (growth opportunities act) will make the Forschungszulage (research tax allowance) even more attractive. It is ...

Save CO2 and money: the "decarbonisation in the industry" funding programme

In times of growing environmental awareness and pressure to achieve climate targets, industry plays a crucial role in reducing greenhouse gas ...

Self-care as an innovative force for SMEs: tips and strategies

Self-care is on everyone's lips. It's on postcards, used in advertising for body care products or yogurt, and even apps are being developed for it. ...

NRW on the rise: funding opportunities as powerful drivers of innovation

North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) is facing an unprecedented era of change and innovation. With pioneering initiatives in the areas of energy transition, ...

Bees and other pollinators: an important key to greater sustainability

Did you know that in addition to the well-known honeybee, there are over 600 species of wild bees and a total of around 14,000 flower-visiting ...

Green­Economy Funding Booster For The Sustainable Trans­formation In NRW

Climate protection, the preservation of natural resources, good jobs and social security are inseparable from a modern and efficient economy. Many ...

German funding landscape – clearly and simply explained

The funding landscape in Germany is diverse, with various programmes and correspondingly different guidelines. These programmes are designed for ...

GreenTech Innovation Competition

Digital technologies make an important contribution toward preserving resources and reducing climate-destructive emissions. The potential offered by ...

From Idea, Through Networks, to Market Success

Form strategic alliances and grow by developing new applications by using EurA’s expert platform. We connect companies and research institutions in a ...

KMU-Innovative: SME Funding Programme

KMU-innovative is the most important SME funding program of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Twice a year, companies or research ...

Municipal Networking: Working Together to Advance Climate Protection

As a municipality, company, religious or charitable foundation/association in your region, would you like to create a network with important actors ...

Schleswig-Holstein and Its Versatile Funding Opportunities

Schleswig-Holstein - Germany's northernmost federal state, which is also called the land between the seas, has a wide range of versatile funding ...

5 Reasons for Innovation in Meat Industry Automation

The processing of meat, from slaughtering to the packaging of the final products, offers great potential for innovative automation solutions. This ...

Bioeconomy Innovation and Investment Programme for Rural Areas

The Bioeconomy Innovation and Investment Program (BIPL BW) of the State of Baden-Württemberg aims to promote innovation and investment in the field ...

7 Steps to Investment Funding Without the Burden of Bureaucracy

How to get up to 50 percent of your investment costs refunded by the European Union, federal or state governments? We show you how. In addition to ...

Can Research Allowance Be Combined With Other Funding Programmes?

Most funding programs do not provide 100% funding. Therefore, the question often arises whether the remaining own contribution can be funded via the ...

Bay TP+: The Large Funding Pot for Development in Bavaria

Find out now how the Bavarian Technology Support Program plus (Bay TP+) supports your company in research, development & innovation. The three ...

Research Allowance: Which Documents Are Needed?

The “steuerliche Forschungszulage” was deliberately designed by the federal government to be very simple and business-friendly. In the case of ...

Research Grants: Success Story

The fact that all German companies, regardless of size or industry, can apply for the “steuerliche Forschungszulage” is illustrated in the following ...

How to Apply for Research Allowance

The German government wants to keep the program very lean for companies and has developed a new application process for this purpose. If you would ...

Do I Need a Tax Advisor for Research Allowance?

Do you link questions such as "Which work steps/tasks and methods are/were used to achieve the goal?" and "Explain which engineering, natural ...

Research Allowance: First Retroactive Project Funding

Innovation has only a limited half-life! As an entrepreneur, you often find yourself in a dilemma as to whether you should apply for project funding ...

Quiet Revolution in 5 Steps: Diesel Bus Becomes Electric

An incredible short story! Do you also have an idea on the subject of electromobility? How you can reduce CO2 emissions in public transport? We will ...

InvestBW: State's Largest Funding Programme Open to All Industries – New Call Until 15.01.24

The Ministry of Economics, Labor and Housing has initiated InvestBW as the largest industry-open investment and innovation support program in the ...

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