On 27 March 2024, the German Bundesrat announced the Wachstumschancengesetz (Growth Opportunities Act). Some attractive improvements to the possible eligible expenses for the Forschungszulage (research tax allowance) to promote research and development projects were agreed.

The Wachstumschancengesetz is intended to strengthen Germany's competitiveness as a business location. To this end, investments are promoted and additional depreciation options are offered, among other things. The adjustments to the research tax allowance apply from the day of the official announcement, 28 March 2024.

The following changes come into force:
  • In principle, the funding rate for the Forschungszulage is 25% of the assessment basis for all beneficiaries. Small and medium-sized enterprises (within the meaning of the SME definition in Annex I of the GBER) can now also apply for an increase in the funding rate to 35%.
  • Currently, an individual entrepreneur's own work in a subsidized R&D project can be taken into account as eligible expenditure in the amount of €40 per proven hour of work (max. 40 hours per week). This expense for own work will be increased to €70 per working hour.
  • In future, depreciable movable assets used for the first time in the R&D project, which are necessary and essential for the implementation of the project, can be counted as eligible expenditure.
  • In addition, up to 70% of commissioned R&D activities are now taken into account as eligible expenses, instead of the previous 60%.
  • The maximum assessment basis is no longer limited and will be extended to €10,000,000 p.a. The possible annual funding thus amounts to €2,500,000 (excl. SME bonus).

These changes will also make applications for funding R&D projects more attractive for companies.

Please also bear in mind the limitation period for project expenses for 2020. The costs must still be applied for from the BSFZ in 2024.

Do you need expert support?

We would be happy to provide you with an initial assessment of the amount of funding you can expect for your projects. Please feel free to arrange a non-binding appointment with us!


🖊️ Text: Marvin Natz
Updated on 5 April 2024

Marvin Natz

Your contact person
Marvin Natz

Do you want to learn more about this topic? Schedule a meeting with an expert.

The tax research allowance offers you the opportunity to claim funding, regardless of size and industry, as well as retroactively (project starts in 2020). As an engineer, I have already successfully supported numerous applications and am happy to make this experience available. You can use this opportunity to advance the development and research of innovations and reduce your economic investment. We support you in benefiting from this opportunity – from the project idea to the application and access to funding. We adapt our services to your needs. We would be happy to enter into a dialogue with you.

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73479 Ellwangen

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