How high are the eligible costs for the research allowance?
When the Research Allowance Act (FZulG) came into force on 1 January 2020, it was still stipulated that a maximum of €2,000,000 in eligible expenses per financial year could be funded, i.e. a maximum grant of €500,000 per financial year.
This assessment basis was significantly increased and expanded as part of the Second Corona Tax Assistance Act, which came into force on 1 July 2020. The assessment basis has risen to 4,000,000 euros and the maximum grant has therefore also doubled to 1,000,000 euros.
The Growth Opportunities Act came into force on 28 March 2024, which contains further improvements to the research tax allowance. The maximum assessment basis was extended to €10,000,000 p.a. The possible annual subsidy thus amounts to €2,500,000, and even €3,500,000 for SMEs.
An important point is that the assessment basis applies to each beneficiary in the case of cooperation projects.
The de minimis rule for sole proprietors and co-entrepreneurs must also be observed. The statutory limit of 200,000 euros cannot and must not be exceeded within 3 years. It is also important that you keep an eye on other funding programmes. For example, subsidised loans, investment grants, etc. are often included in the de minimis aid.
What are eligible costs for the research allowance?
Tax-incentivised research funding is used to subsidise own personnel costs and the costs of contract research. Investments in depreciable, movable assets are also eligible for funding (only for acquisition/production from 28 March 2024). In various "traditional" funding programmes, costs for materials and travel are also funded – unfortunately, these costs cannot be included in the research allowance. The focus here is on personnel costs. The basis for calculating the personnel costs here is the wages and salaries subject to income tax, including the employer's contribution to the employee's future pension scheme, whereby special payments and bonuses can also be taken into account here. You receive a subsidy of 25% on these costs, SMEs even 35% (from 28 March 2024, before that 25%).
However, as sole proprietors do not have a fixed wage – but are also eligible to apply for the research allowance – they can now claim 70 euros (from 28 March 2024, previously 40 euros) for each proven hour of work. This "notional" wage is also subsidised at 25% (35% for SMEs from 28 March 2024). In this case, the subsidy is therefore €17.50 (€24.50 for SMEs) per hour – meaning that the de minimis aid for SMEs would also be €24.50 per hour.
In addition to personnel costs, expenses for contract research is also eligible for funding. As these external development costs usually also include materials, these costs are recognised at 70% (if the contract is awarded from 28 March 2024; previously 60%).
An example calculation:
You are a large company and award a research contract worth 100,000 euros to an organisation. This organisation also issues you with an invoice for 100,000 euros. The eligible expenditure is then 70% - i.e. 70,000 euros. You receive a grant of 25% of this assessment basis, i.e. 17,500 euros.
It is important that you can provide evidence of these documents and have documented them – this also includes the hours worked via timesheets or a time recording system.
Can I charge personnel costs including social security expenses?
In principle, this programme is based on employees' wages subject to wage tax deduction. In addition, there are the employer's expenses for future security in accordance with §3 No. 62 EstG.
Expenses for future security include health, pension, long-term care and unemployment insurance. Another interesting aspect of the research allowance is that not only the contractually agreed fixed wages can be settled here, but also bonus payments that are, for example, performance-related. This is not possible with most other funding programmes.
When can flat-rate costs be recognised in the research allowance?
Not really at all. All costs that are claimed in the research allowance must be documented. In the case of external costs, this is done via invoices and payment receipts and in the case of own employees via salary slips and payments.
The legislator has only made one exception here. To ensure that the working hours of sole proprietors can also be counted towards the research allowance, even though they do not receive a fixed salary, they can claim a lump sum of 70 euros (from 28 March 2024, before that 40 euros) for each hour of development work, even in addition to permanent employment. With the restriction that a maximum of 40 working hours per week can be claimed.
The following regulation applies to co-entrepreneurships (as of 28 March 2024):
- If partners of an eligible co-entrepreneurship have contractually agreed that one or more partners will receive an activity allowance for research and development activities in favoured research and development projects, then this activity allowance is an eligible expense, provided it does not exceed EUR 70 per working hour with a maximum of 40 working hours per week.
- The prerequisite is that the agreement is effective under civil law, is genuinely intended and actually carried out and is drafted so clearly and unambiguously that it can be distinguished from other activity remuneration in the service of the company.
- The subsidy that the co-entrepreneur / individual entrepreneur receives on this hourly rate is considered de minimis aid (and only this - the subsidy that the company receives on employees subject to wage tax is not de minimis).
Can I have external costs (external development services) subsidised?
Research and development contracts awarded to external partners are eligible for funding. It should be noted that these costs can only be subsidised if the contractor is based in the European Union or the European Economic Area.
Contractors can be research organisations or qualified companies. It is important that the client describes the research and development project so precisely that it can also be assessed by the certification body.

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