Agriculture meets innovation

Around one million people on average of 270,000 farms produce agricultural goods worth around €59 billion every year. This makes Germany the fourth largest agricultural producer in the EU. On top of economic challenges, climate change poses ever greater problems for agriculture and food security. Therefore, innovative solutions and new technologies in food production are more in demand than ever. The EU, federal and state governments support research and development with customised funding programmes to secure jobs, added value and quality of life in Germany. We are happy to advise you which one of the funding schemes is right for you.

Contact us now - Together we will embrace the future and secure your technical and economic competitiveness through innovation.




Our Service for You

The broad field of agrifood offers many possibilities. That's why EurA offers you a comprehensive range of services covering all aspects of these topics. Take advantage of our expertise and choose the right service for your project from our range of services.

Funding advice

We identify the appropriate national and European funding opportunities for your SME's research and development projects. Take advantage of our specialist project advice to find the right solution for the successful application of your ideas. 

Due to many years of experience with a wide range of funding programmes, we can effectively support you in the preparation of project outlines and funding proposals so that you have an above-average chance of having your application approved.

In a free initial consultation, we analyse the potential of your project idea together and discover funding opportunities for financial implementation.

Research grants

Since 2020, the research allowance has enhanced the funding landscape. This scheme can be used to fund personnel and contract costs for research and development, irrespective of the industry and size of your company. 

You can receive up to €1 million in the form of a tax-free bonus as part of your tax return. Proposals can be submitted before, during or after the start of the project, beginning in 2020, even if the project has already failed.

Contact us now to find out more about the research grants and if your projects are eligible for application. 

EIC Accelerator

The EIC Accelerator is designed for small and medium-sized enterprises, including start-ups, that develop disruptive, high-risk innovations with great market potential. We evaluate your chances of success for grants (70% funding quota with up to € 2.5 million) as well as equity capital (up to €15 million for 10-24.9% of the company shares) and support you in all steps from the preparation of the project outline and motivational videos to the preparation of the full application and the final interview.

We will help you promote your innovative product development until it is ready for the market!

Innovation networks

Our innovation networks connect companies both vertically and horizontally along your value chain. Through knowledge and technology transfer within these exclusive networks, we promote new ideas and implement projects which provide you with opportunities to get to know potential customers.  

Our network managers organise sustainable meetings with network partners and keep you up to date with news from the network, expert lectures, and the latest market developments. Regular network meetings give you new insights into your industry through lab and company tours.

Contact us if you are interested in joining a network or if you want us to implement a new network idea for you.

Strategic partnerships

When it comes to innovation, you need experts with the right knowledge at your side. This know-how is often waiting for you outside your company. We are happy to put you in touch with national universities, research institutions and our diverse clients.

We manage complex coordination processes for you and support you in finding project partners and project management. This allows you to concentrate on your core business and advance your research, development, and market launch.

Innovation workshops

We inform you about new products through our workshops and provide you with professional and technical know-how. This gives you new ideas and helps you discover new areas of demand in your industry. We offer you a platform for discussions of ideas and for networking with new strategic partners. This can be the basis for new projects, which we will gladly support you with.
EurA will organise workshops and events on current issues on your behalf. Through our numerous connections, we can book suitable speakers and moderators, and organise the entire process of online and presential events for you.
Contact us now if you are interested in participating in or hosting innovation workshops.


On Behalf of the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food

Networking and knowledge transfer – with EurA

The Federal Office for Agriculture and Food has commissioned EurA to carry out two extensive networking and transition measures. This is intended to promote networking among beneficiaries and to support a sustainable and broad-based knowledge exchange from research to science, business, politics, and the public sector. Additionally, coordination between organic businesses and research institutions is implemented on behalf of the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food. Through these assignments, synergies are identified for companies, and research institutions to advance development together. 


The Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) is funding 13 innovative network projects with a total of €12.5 million. The aim is to sustainably improve animal health and welfare through research and development using digital solutions. 

  • Digitisation of livestock farming
  • Reduction of farmer labour
    Value chain traceability


A total of 16 collaborative projects consisting of research institutions and small and medium-sized enterprises will have been funded by the BMEL with €11.6 million by 2024. The aim is to promote the diversity and health of pollinator insects and focus on innovative measures in agricultural areas to enhance habitats for pollinator insects. 
  • Prevention, detection, and treatment of bee diseases
  • Innovative sensor technology for monitoring bees
  • New operating methods for beekeepers
  • Innovative agricultural cultivation systems

ÖLAF - Öko-Landbau trifft Forschung

Since 2022, EurA has been developing and managing the coordination office and digital platform ÖLAF - Öko-Landbau trifft Forschung (Organic Agriculture Meets Research) together with the software developer MINNT. The aim of ÖLAF is to promote knowledge and exchange between organic farms interested in research and research at eye level. ÖLAF offers a low-threshold service through which practical research projects can be arranged. While the coordination office is already networking the participants, the platform will be linked to in the research section and is expected to go online at the beginning of 2024. The entire project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture and supervised by the BLE.


Our Key Success Figures



Network partners

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Agrifood experts

EurA networks in the Agrifood Sector



Massively declining fish stocks and rainforest clearance are just two of the effects of intensive resource and land use for human nutrition. The efficient use of alternative biomasses such as algae, insects and fungi is crucial for the supply of important macro- and micronutrients for future generations. However, economic viability remains a challenge. The aim of the network is therefore to develop innovative, scalable techniques and technologies to make processing methods for extracting various nutrients more efficient. The development of new methods for the production of authentic food alternatives and the use of residual materials is also a focus and plays an important role in increasing economic efficiency. The network thus contributes to the transformation of our food system and the preservation of a planet worth living on.


Livestock farming is undergoing permanent structural change. Rising costs for feed and qualified personnel as well as considerable expenses for the health management of large livestock are just some of the challenges that farmers are facing. In addition, increasingly strict environmental regulations must be complied with and growing consumer awareness requires better living conditions for livestock. There is therefore a need for forward-looking livestock farming that takes greater account of animal welfare, environmental protection and transparency along the value chain. In the "ZukunftTier" innovation network, innovative technologies for keeping cattle, pigs, poultry and small ruminants are being developed through the targeted networking of stakeholders from industry and research.



The Aquaponic Network is an expert platform for the development of innovative products and processes for raising fish and producing plants in closed cycles. The aim is to develop sustainable, economically efficient solutions for the agri-food sector to deal with the effects of climate change, increasing land and water scarcity and rising population growth. The core technical elements here are aquaponic processes and systems. The companies and research institutions from Germany are working together with partners from the Netherlands to implement the network's goals.


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In the meat industry, many processes are still manually solved, especially in small and medium-sized enterprises. These operations, such as monotonous tasks or the movement of heavy loads, often have negative effects on the staff's wellbeing. The aim of the AutoMeAt network is to develop innovative technologies to sustainably improve production conditions in the meat industry across the entire value chain. For this purpose, the slaughtering process, the inline transport and the packaging process of single products are to be improved and accelerated through the use of robotics, AI and automation of hygiene and sensor technology.


EurA is well-connected

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Smart agri hubs

HORDI - Digital innovation for horticulture adaptations to climate change. More information


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Lebensmittel Sicherheit

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Alternative zum Tierversuch

Selection of our customers and projects


Sustainability consulting


Evaluating the environmental impact of a product hitting the market has now become a standard requirement and calls for a precise and standardised evaluation method. EurA's sustainability consultancy provides answers to your questions regarding economic and environmental sustainability. More information can be found on the sustainability consulting page.



You can find interesting blog articles about our main topics and services on our blog.

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BMEL Innovation Support Programme and DIP-Agrar for agricultural R&D projects

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Aquaponics - revolution for food production?

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Bees and other pollinators: an important key to greater sustainability

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Is Digitalisation the Future of Livestock Farming?

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5 Reasons for Innovation in Meat Industry Automation

The processing of meat, from slaughtering to the packaging of the final products, offers great potential for innovative automation solutions.



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73479 Ellwangen

T- 079619256-0