How to find us at EurA AG in Berlin


EurA AG Berlin is based in Berlin Charlottenburg.

You can find us here:

Berlin location
Olivaer Platz 16
10707 Berlin

How to find us

We support


SMEs and
large companies

Are you responsible for R&D in your company and need input? Are you looking for project partners to realise your plans or do you need funding? We will be pleased to help you.


Universities and
research institutions

We support you if you are looking for practical partners for your research projects or need funding.


Startups and
young companies

The start-up phase is over, now it's time to enter the market and scale up. We are here for you if you need a competent partner at your side.

If you need advice, simply get in touch with us.

Our services in Berlin

EurA provides you with a comprehensive range of services related to innovation. Take advantage of our expertise and choose the right service for your project among our range of services.

Funding check

The funding check identifies suitable European and national funding opportunities for you and helps you to strategically align your research and development activities. The aim is to select suitable funding programmes.

Use the individual and project-specific advice of our specialists to find customised solutions for your issues.

Funding application

As an expert in European and national funding, EurA knows the funding landscape inside out. Ongoing screening of current funding programmes and calls enables us to provide you with the best possible advice.

Our services cover the entire funding process: from project conception and competent application to project support and beyond.

Project conception

We provide you and your research project with comprehensive support during the application process. This includes, among other things, the rough structuring of the project in terms of personnel planning, work package planning and other resources. We guide you through the entire project concept. The goal is a structured approach that also includes the interfaces to potential project partners. Questions relating to the project concept include

  • What are the critical milestones on your development path?
  • How can development risks be minimised?
  • Where do you need external expertise?

With our support during the project conceptualisation phase, you can implement your project efficiently and in a structured manner.

Submitting an application

A well thought-out project concept is necessary in order to be successful in the application process. We are familiar with the application requirements of the individual programmes and take these into account at an early stage of the project. This means you can be sure that all formal and legal requirements are met. The application process includes compiling the necessary attachments and communicating with the project organiser, as well as processing additional requirements and amendments in terms of technology and business management. 

You can concentrate on your core business and we will take the pressure off you by supporting you through the application process.

Project support

We support you beyond the project conception and application phases. The most important aspect of project monitoring is supporting the call for funds from the project organiser.

When it comes to meeting deadlines and conditions, we take over the preparation of plan/actual comparisons and commercial reporting. We provide feedback on the reports for technical reporting to the project organisers.

Innovation networks and exchange

The central element of innovation networks is the networking and initiation of project plans. We connect you with other partners both horizontally and vertically along your value chain. By providing insights into other processes, we contribute to the realisation of your ideas and encourage the transfer of knowledge.

As a network management organisation, we bring the players together, whether in online meetings, face-to-face meetings with network partners or at interesting, network-relevant locations on site.

We regularly organise interesting and exciting network meetings with news from the network, specialist presentations, information on current funding programmes, market information, project workshops, laboratory and company tours.

Ask us today about your networking and cooperation opportunities in the field of innovation networks.

Finding project partners

With co-operation projects and the right project partners, you can quickly integrate important know-how into your development project or establish strategic partnerships for subsequent product sales. We have contacts with almost all national universities and a large number of companies.

The larger the network, the more complex the coordination processes. With us, you have a partner who manages the project and the search for project partners in your interests.

Innovation workshops

The innovation workshops, which take place in seminar form in small groups, will familiarise you with future requirements. The workshops stimulate the transfer of knowledge and support you in finding project partners. The knowledge gained in the innovation workshop forms the basis for further project concepts.

Technology transfer

The cross-industry exchange of expertise and technologies offers you enormous potential for innovation and sales. Thanks to our large network, we can find solutions for you from different sectors and areas of expertise. The Berlin branch focuses on cross-industry technology transfer for medical technology and therapeutic procedures, artificial intelligence, automation and robotics, green chemistry and high-performance materials as well as food technology.

Our focal points


With almost 200 highly qualified experts from all scientific and technical disciplines, we support you in your R&D project.

In Berlin, we focus primarily on these topics:


Medical technology and therapy procedures

New technologies improve patient care and open up new markets. However, financial hurdles and the Medical Device Regulation can hinder implementation. We guide our clients through the entire process, provide support with financing and accelerate developments.


AI-supported auto­mation and robotics

The integration of AI-supported automation and robotics improves efficiency, precision and reduces costs. This applies in particular to laboratory and process technology in the healthcare sector, e.g. for operations, diagnostics and drug production. We evaluate new technologies and trends, identify funding and provide support with financing, competition analysis and market launch.


Green chemistry & high-performance materials

The chemical and materials industry, a major emitter of greenhouse gases, must adopt low-emission methods such as electrification and electrochemical technologies. Carbon capture, "green" chemistry and the circular economy should reduce waste and make raw materials more efficient to utilise. Our expertise in science, transfer, regulation and industry practices will secure the future and competitiveness of your business.


Food processing tech­nology

In the food sector, we primarily advise medium-sized manufacturers and start-ups, but our clients also include leading international corporations. We support processors in the food industry and their European co-operation partners in the financing of innovative R&D projects.

EurA networks – managed in Berlin

Logo des ViProNet-Netzwerks zum Schutz vor Infektionskrankheiten

Innovative virus protection and pandemic prevention


Physical & data-based networking of the laboratory world with process technology


Blue light and blue LEDs with opto-sensory monitor and feedback system for new efficient applications


Digital methods and sensory innovation in human physiology


Accelerated innovation for energy materials in future technologies


You can find interesting articles about our main topics and services on our blog.

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Max-Eyth-Straße 2
73479 Ellwangen

T- 079619256-0