Your innovation partner in the Hamburg metropolitan region

EurA AG's office in the heart of the Hamburg metropolitan region is part of a vibrant innovation ecosystem. Our city, which is also an important hub for business and research, offers a unique environment surrounded by innovative companies, renowned research institutions and universities.

In the "Gateway to the World" region, the transition from traditional economic sectors to new business areas is taking shape with promising prospects in the fields of technology and innovation, logistics and trade, environment and sustainability as well as health and life science. We at EurA AG are proud to support the market leaders of tomorrow in this transformation process and are available as a local point of contact with our branch office in Hamburg.


Mitarbeitende des EURA AG Standorts Hamburg

Please feel free to contact us for individual advice on funding, joint application and project support, or to find a project partner.

We are located at:

Holstenkamp 1-3
22525 Hamburg, Germany


We support you

Are you currently considering the possibility of having your development services funded by the state?
Or - you already have experience with various funding opportunities at state, federal or European level?
We offer you the best possible options for outsourcing these processes at every stage.

Large Companies

Are you responsible for R&D in your company, are you looking for project partners or do you need funding? We will be happy to advise you.


Research institutions

We are there for you if you are looking for collaborations for your research project and want to acquire public funding.



If you need a competent partner at your side to help you navigate the funding jungle, please contact us.

No matter where you currently stand in terms of research and development - we are at your side!

Our services in Hamburg

EurA provides you with a comprehensive range of services covering all aspects of innovation. Take advantage of our expertise and choose the right service for your project from our range  in Hamburg.

Funding check

The funding check identifies suitable European and national funding opportunities for you and helps you to strategically align your research and development activities. The aim is to select suitable funding opportunities. 

Take advantage of the individual and project-specific advice from our specialists to find the right solutions for your issues.

Grant application

As an expert in European and national funding, EurA knows the funding landscape inside out. Ongoing screening of current funding offers and calls enables us to provide you with the best possible advice.

Our services cover the entire funding process: from project conception and competent application to project support and beyond.

We have special experience and know-how of state funding in the federal states of Hamburg and Lower Saxony. In the international field, we are also successfully active in selected EU programs within the framework of HORIZON Europe.



Project conception

We provide you and your research project with comprehensive support during the application process. This includes, among other things, the rough structuring of the project in terms of personnel planning, work package planning and other resources. We guide you through the entire project concept. The goal is a structured approach that also includes the interfaces to potential project partners. Questions relating to the project concept include

- What are the critical milestones on your development path?

- How can development risks be minimized?

- Where do you need external expertise?

With our support during the project conception phase, you can implement your project efficiently and in a structured manner.


A well thought-out project concept is necessary to be successful in the application process. We are familiar with the application requirements of the individual programs and take these into account at an early stage of the project. This way you can be sure that all formal and legal requirements are met. The application process includes the compilation of the necessary attachments and communication with the project sponsor as well as the processing of subsequent requests and additions in terms of technology and business management. 

You can concentrate on your core business and we will take the pressure off you by assisting you with the application process.

Project support

We support you beyond the project conception and application phases. The most important aspect of project monitoring is supporting the call for funds from the project sponsor.

We prepare plan/actual comparisons and commercial reporting to ensure compliance with deadlines and requirements. In technical reporting to the project sponsors, we provide feedback on the reports.

Innovation networks and exchange

The central element of innovation networks is the networking and initiation of project plans. We are able to connect you horizontally and vertically along your value chain with other partners. Through insights into other processes, we realise your ideas and stimulate knowledge transfer.

As a network management organisation, we bring you together, whether in online meetings, in face-to-face meetings with network partners, or at interesting, network-relevant locations on site.

Your benefits are expert lectures, information on current funding programmes, market information, project workshops, and laboratory and company tours. We regularly organise interactive and engaging networking meetings in different locations.

Ask us today about your networking and cooperation opportunities in the field of innovation networks.

Finding project partners

With cooperation projects and the right project partners, you can quickly integrate important know-how into your development project or establish strategic partnerships for subsequent product sales. As EurA, we have contacts to almost all national universities and many companies.

The larger the network, the more complex the coordination processes. With us, you have a partner who manages the project and the search for project partners in your interests.

Strategic innovation management

Whether you work for an ambitious start-up, a dynamic SME or an established large company, our strategic innovation management is the solution that will drive your success. We support you in the complex task of developing and implementing innovative processes to ensure that you are always at the forefront of your industry. So you can concentrate on your core business.

Corporate Innovation Services

With our Corporate Innovation Services, we support you in creating, managing and expanding your innovation ecosystems. Our services range from market analyses and the formation of strategic alliances to a concrete innovation roadmap. Please feel free to contact us!


Procurement service

Your procurement processes are in good hands with us. We support you with our procurement service from the classic awarding of contracts to the procurement of innovations. This enables you to use innovative solutions and the latest technology, which not only keeps you fit for the future, but also enhances your reputation.

Our main topics


Life Science

In the life science industry, players are confronted with challenges in the area of approvals and special investment kinetics, for example. 

With expertise in the fields of biology, biotechnology and medicine, our life science team is very well positioned to deal with these diverse issues. Our employees' many years of experience combined with the visions of our customers constantly lead to innovative solutions. 



The relevance of IT solutions is constantly increasing and no industry can do without them. It enables many product and process innovations in all other sectors. The EU, federal and state governments support research and development with tailor-made funding programs to secure jobs, value creation and quality of life in Germany. We would be happy to advise you on the right program for you.

EurA Networks – Your partner in Hamburg

EurA networks bring together expertise and bring together development partners, users and potential customers who are ideally matched for the efficient use of systems and components. The main objectives of the EurA networks are to initiate research and development projects for specific applications and to coordinate and support the use of public funding. They also promote networking and exchange between companies and research institutes from different fields of work. The networks address research and development topics that have high chances of success and market potential.

The Aquaponics Network is an expert platform for the development of innovative products and processes for the rearing of fish and the production of plants in closed cycles.


Development of innovative technologies for the sustainable improvement of production conditions along the entire value chain of industrial meat processing.


BauMaZ – Baumaterialien der Zukunft

Become a partner in our new ZIM network!


Become a partner in our new ZIM network!

4D BioPrinting

The network's vision is to develop interdisciplinary and innovative solutions and products along the entire process chain from cell insulation to the printed end product.


The network's vision is to drive forward the development of new automated test approaches and the digitalization of existing methods with companies from different application areas along the entire value chain.


Become a partner in our new ZIM network!

ShipRec – Shiprecycling

Expert platform for the development of innovative processes, systems and products for the systematic dismantling of ships and large maritime structures.

ZukunfTier – Zukunftsweisende Nutztierhaltung

Become a partner in our new ZIM network!

On behalf of the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE)

On behalf of the BLE, we are carrying out two extensive networking and transfer measures in Hamburg. In addition, we coordinate between organic farms and research institutions on behalf of the BLE.


A total of 16 collaborative projects consisting of research institutions and small and medium-sized enterprises will receive 11.6 million euros in funding from the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture until 2024. The aim is to promote the diversity and health of pollinator insects and innovative measures in agricultural areas to promote habitats for pollinator insects. 

  • Prevention, detection and treatment of bee diseases
  • Innovative sensor technology for bee monitoring
  • New operating methods for beekeepers
  • Innovative agricultural cultivation systems


The Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) is funding 13 innovative collaborative projects with a total of 12.5 million euros. The aim is to sustainably improve animal health and welfare through research and development using digital solutions. 

  • Digitalization of livestock farming
  • Reducing the workload of farmers
  • Traceability along the value chain

ÖLAF – Öko-Landbau trifft Forschung

Since 2022, EurA, together with the software developer MINNT, has been developing and managing the coordination office and digital platform ÖLAF - Öko-Landbau trifft Forschung. The aim of ÖLAF is to promote knowledge and exchange between organic farms interested in research and research at eye level. ÖLAF offers a low-threshold service through which practical research projects can be arranged. While the coordination office is already networking the participants, the platform will be linked to in the research section and is expected to go online at the beginning of 2024. The entire project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture and supervised by the BLE.


You can find interesting blog articles about our main topics and services on our blog.

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BAFA module 2: process heat from renewable energies – a funding guide

+++ Energy consulting blog series (part 3) +++ Many industries depend on process heat, whether they are in metal processing, food production or the...

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BMEL Innovation Support Programme and DIP-Agrar for agricultural R&D projects

Innovations for the Agriculture of Tomorrow: The German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) offers two funding opportunities to support...

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BAFA module 1: investment funding for cross-cutting technologies and practical examples

+++ Energy consulting blog series (part 2) +++ The energy transition is a challenge, but also an opportunity for companies to operate more...

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VSME standard for SMEs: everything you need to know

The requirements for sustainability reporting are growing – even for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Although unlisted SMEs are not...

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How are energy consulting and investment funding related?

+++ Energy consulting blog series (part 1) +++ In an era when climate protection and sustainability are central social issues, energy consulting...

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OECD Guidelines – orientation for large and small companies

The business world is more globally networked than ever before, which presents companies with the challenge of operating profitably and at the same...


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73479 Ellwangen

T- 079619256-0