How 5G and AI are revolutionising the manufacturing industry

Efficiency, flexibility and responsiveness are key success factors in modern manufacturing. However, traditional network technologies such as WLAN ...

E-mobility: new regulations for light commercial and special vehicles

The European automotive industry is at a turning point. The electromobility megatrend and the EU's ambitious climate targets are demanding ...

Quantum computing – what is it and what is needed for it? 

There are already functioning quantum computers since 1990s. However, quantum computing is still largely at the basic research stage. Building a ...

Superconductivity – a lean solution to a big problem?

A well-known saying coined by the science fiction author R. A. Heinlein is: ‘There is no such thing as a free lunch’. Loosely translated, this means: ...

Forschungszulage (research allowance) 2024: improvements through new law

The planned Wachstumschancengesetz (growth opportunities act) will make the Forschungszulage (research tax allowance) even more attractive. It is ...

Simply explained: Technology Readiness Level in EU funding

If you browse through the EU's funding instruments, such as the Horizon Europe Framework Programme or the European Research Council (ERC), you'll see ... Free Matchmaking Support for EU-funded Innovators announces an open call for expression of interest, focused on a new service package for EU beneficiaries. The programme offers promising ...

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