There are already functioning quantum computers since 1990s. However, quantum computing is still largely at the basic research stage. Building a quantum computer requires stable qubits, special hardware to generate and manipulate these qubits and quantum algorithms, to name the most important components. In this blog article, you will learn what else is needed to advance this technology and enable significant breakthroughs.  

The fundamental laws of quantum physics were discovered in the early 20th century, and from that time to the present, significant technological progress has been made. Although Schrödinger's equation was available as early as the 1920s, we did not know how to interpret and use it in the way that is understood today in quantum information theory. Back then, it was much more important to develop the conventional digital computer, which was initially hardware-realized with various large electronic components and cables.  


Extremely fast thanks to qubits instead of bits 

Today, with classical digital technology so advanced, we can now dedicate ourselves to the peculiar world of quantum technology. This is particularly emphasized in the field of quantum computing, where we are trying to achieve an exponential advantage in computing technology over classical technology. A quantum computer with qubits achieves significantly more computing power than a conventional computer with bits and therefore has the potential to perform complex calculations extremely fast.

Quantum parallelism, quantum entanglement, and quantum uncertainty are just some of the phenomena that nature offers us to harness. The most popular idea in quantum algorithms begins with the preparation of a quantum state, i.e., a state of reality that is in superposition between two possible outcomes. This state is called a quantum bit or qubit. This qubit or a group of qubits is manipulated to obtain a specific resultant state from which useful results needed for a computing task can be extracted.  


Necessary components for a quantum computer  

  1. The generation of qubits is technically complex and resource-intensive and depends on the qubit technology used. To prepare a quantum state, we first need all the necessary equipment to create qubits – and that is no easy task. Providing a set of components that will lead to an almost perfect qubit state is a task that requires a lot of knowledge, time, and thus also capital.

  2. Furthermore, once you have a stable qubit, you will also need hardware that will enable the desired manipulation of the qubits. The hardware can be realized in different ways: you can compute with the states of photons, atoms, superconductors, ions, and many others. 

  3. Even if you have prepared the qubit and the hardware – you need a valid algorithm. The algorithm is crucial for solving or simulating problems in an economical, fast, and useful way, and to best interpret the results.

In this sense, collaboration is more needed than ever, to connect every part of the value chain. Innovations and projects that bring them to technological market readiness are a must for quantum technology. Through innovation networks available at EurA, this is the main focus. Exchanging ideas, communication, support, workshops, strategy development, and ultimately choosing funding instruments to reach the goal of realisation is one of the most effective ways an innovative project can come to life. International collaborations are of particular importance – demonstrating that the diversity of ideas must ultimately yield the most optimal realisation.



Why can quantum states be used for computation? 

Qubits have more to offer than bits, simply because they are not deterministic. This means effectively that you can use its uncertainty as another way to store and manipulate information, besides the 0s and 1s that will be offered by a classical bit. It is also possible to do computations at the same time on the two possible outcomes a qubit offers, thus giving us the chance to save the time and resources. Scientists have been very creative so far in developing algorithms for computations, but there is much more to do. 



Driving this development forward with creativity and pooled expertise is precisely the goal of the quantum innovation networks led by EurA: Quompute, EnQuTech, and iQuSense. Those innovation networks, together with the right funding instruments are what can make this technological step successful. Join us and help the quantum future come to reality and contact the team for quantum technologies at EurA. We are guided by the idea that the quantum future brings a better tomorrow for humanity! #quantumisfuture 


Text: Mevludin Licina

Dr Martin Garbos

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Dr Martin Garbos

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I have a background in nanostructure engineering and physics. My academic focus areas were photonic crystals - and crystal fibers, optical tweezers, and nanoanalytics and patterning. I spent 8 years in industry in various roles and coordinated the international congress "Applied Industrial Optics" for OPTICA (former Optical Society of America) as General Chair for several years. At EurA AG, I am Team Leader Analytics and Sensors and have extensive experience in managing large projects. I lead the quantum photonics network and coordinate activities in quantum technologies for EurA.

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