The German government wants to keep the program very lean for companies and has developed a new application process for this purpose.

If you would like to receive funding through the tax research allowance, then you essentially have contact with two institutions. These are the Certification Office for Research Grants (“Bescheinigungsstelle Forschungszulage”) and your tax office.

The „Bescheinigungsstelle Forschungszulage“ (BSFZ) is made up of three project management agencies. These are the VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH, the AiF Projekt GmbH and the Deutsche Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. -Projektträger DLR.

The BSFZ has the task of checking whether your project is a development project within the meaning of the Research Grants Act. To do this, you must describe your project in a total of 4,000 characters and submit a cost calculation. Since you can apply for your project after completion, during the project period or before the actual start of the project, the stated cost is not binding and can then be under- or even exceeded in the actual settlement. If the BSFZ assesses the project as eligible for funding, you will receive a certificate, which will also be sent directly to your tax office. With this certificate you have a legal claim to the subsidy.

Your tax office is responsible for the actual processing and settlement The settlement takes place via the ELSTER portal at your tax office. To do this, you must determine the individual hourly rate for each project employee. Documentation or similar does not have to be submitted here, but it is possible that this will be requested subsequently.

Would you like to learn more about the "Forschungszulage"? Read more on this page.


Author: Tobias Kübler

Tobias Kübler

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