- Dr Viktor Schneider
- 19.12.24
- 3 min
- Funding advice, Funding programmes Germany
Your contact person
Dr Maria Jaeger
Did you know that in addition to the well-known honeybee, there are over 600 species of wild bees and a total of around 14,000 flower-visiting pollinator insects in Germany? People often only think of delicious honey as a product of honeybees, but the pollination services of many different insects are of far greater value to agriculture. Without pollination, the yields of many fruit and vegetable plants would be significantly lower and the production of their seeds would no longer be possible.
A recent study by Allianz Research estimates the losses for agriculture in the event of a 20 percent drop in pollination performance at 500 million US dollars. In the event of a complete loss, the figure would be as much as 2 billion US dollars. These figures should make us sit up and take notice of the value of the "ecosystem service" provided by pollinating insects. Farmers, end users benefit from it - for free ...
Accordingly, healthy ecosystems are the foundation of our society, even if this is not always obvious in everyday life. The German government is therefore funding numerous research and development projects to protect and conserve biodiversity in Germany.
These include 16 projects funded by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture as part of the announcement on the "Funding of research projects for the protection of bees and other pollinator insects in the agricultural landscape".
EurA was commissioned by the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food to accompany and network these projects under the name "Beenovation". In order to inform further research institutions, the economy, politics and the public about the results and developments of the 16 innovative research projects and to create synergies, EurA conducts a variety of events, workshops, trade fair appearances and publicity measures.
In the projects, for example, new cultivation methods are researched and tested in order to increase the diversity of pollinating insects in the agricultural landscape. The effectiveness of agri-environmental measures is systematically investigated and the economic impact for farmers is also taken into account.
To simplify honeybee management, wireless sensors and artificial intelligence are being developed with the goal of improving honeybee health. The use of technology could revolutionize beekeeping in Germany. Innovative diagnosis and treatment methods for bee diseases are also being researched in the projects. In the future, it may even be possible to use honeybees and bumblebees as biosensors to qualitatively assess their habitats.
By networking companies, research institutions, associations and users, Beenovation will also develop new ideas for future research projects. Together we can achieve more sustainability, vitality and protection of pollinator insects in the agricultural landscape.
EurA AG supports the development and implementation of innovative ideas by networking companies, research institutions and public clients. At our events, you will receive valuable tips, new inspiration and valuable contacts that will help your company move forward. Our experts will be happy to support you in applying for funding for new R&D projects or as part of our sustainability consulting.
Text: Dr Jonathan Bank
Your contact person
Dr Maria Jaeger
T- 079619256-0Max-Eyth-Straße 2
73479 Ellwangen