The Central Innovation Programme for SMEs (ZIM) will continue with a new and improved guideline from 1 January 2025. The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK) published the changes on 11 December 2024. The aim of the reform is to continue to strengthen the innovative power of small and medium-sized businesses in a targeted manner and to make the path from idea to marketable products even more successful. To this end, the project budgets for all project types have been increased and there is greater freedom when it comes to involving external contractors. We have put together an overview of the changes for you.


What is ZIM?

The Central Innovation Programme for SMEs (Zentrales Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand, ZIM) is one of the most important funding programmes of the German federal government to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Germany. It is no longer possible to imagine innovative SMEs without it.

ZIM provides funding for:
  • Feasibility studies: studies in the run-up to an R&D project
  • Research and development: technical innovation projects in cooperation with research institutions or other companies
  • Measures for market launch: services for launching new products
  • Innovation networks: networks for professional exchange and project development in the context of cooperation


The most important changes from 2025

The new ZIM guideline brings comprehensive improvements that will particularly benefit young, small companies and new applicants. Here is an overview of the main changes:

1. Feasibility studies

  • Easier access: Young companies benefit from funding according to the de minimis principle and are thus excluded from the ‘company in difficulty’ assessment in this format.
  • Extended project period: Studies can now last up to 12 months. Previously, these were limited to 8 months.
  • New possibilities: Freelance IT services and project-related assignments are also eligible for funding.
  • Expansion of the group of eligible applicants: In addition to first-time applicants and micro-enterprises, SMEs that have not received ZIM funding in the last 3 years are now also eligible.


2. Research and development projects

  • Individual projects: The maximum eligible costs will increase to €690,000 (previously €550,000).
  • Cooperation projects:
    • Companies: maximum €560,000 (previously €450,000)
    • Research institutions: maximum €280,000 (previously €220,000)


3. Market launch

  • Services: The funding of services such as approval documentation (e.g. for medical technology) is new.
  • More flexible deadlines: Applications can be submitted up to 18 months after the end of the project (previously 12 months).



New funding structure

From January 2025, there will be a reorganisation of project funding. AiF Projekt GmbH will take over the management of cooperation projects, while VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH will be responsible for individual projects, feasibility studies and innovation networks. This should ensure more efficient processing of applications.

Important: Applications submitted under the old guidelines by 31 December 2024 will be processed by the new project management agencies from 2025.


Why the changes to ZIM in 2025?

The adjustments to the ZIM guideline were made to provide even better support for small and medium-sized companies in Germany. Young companies will find it easier to access funding through the ZIM feasibility study, thanks to funding based on the de minimis principle and improved conditions. Funding for freelance services also better meets the requirements of modern companies. The increased funding will provide better financial security for ambitious projects. At the same time, the greater support for market launch increases the chances of innovative ideas successfully finding their way to market.


Your partner for ZIM funding

If you are planning a research or development project, we are your reliable partner. From the idea to its realisation, we offer you comprehensive support.

Take advantage of the opportunities offered by the new ZIM guidelines and start your next innovation project with us at your side. Make an appointment now and learn more about the new funding opportunities.


Text: Birgit Miriam Hering

André Felber

Your contact person
André Felber

Do you want to learn more about this topic? Schedule a meeting with an expert.

As a project and network manager, I support my clients every day with the design, application, coordination and implementation of national and international funding projects. Even during my studies in mechanical engineering at the KIT, I was particularly interested in the development process from initial idea to the first prototype. By participating in several co-operative innovation projects with well-known companies during my studies and working at EurA for many years, I was able to acquire in-depth knowledge in the field of innovation and project management. As main contact person for ZIM, I am always close to the current challenges of our customers. Outside of EurA, I volunteer on the board of our local sports club and ski club. I am happy to answer your questions and support you in turning your innovative project idea into a commercially viable product.

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