H2 is the energy carrier of the future.The German government is backing it and promoting projects such as TH2ECO MOBILITY (Thüringer H2 Ecosystem), a multifunctional H2 filling station. This project aims to establish an economical and environmentally friendly hydrogen infrastructure in Thuringia and to make a significant contribution to reducing CO2 emissions.

H2 - effective all-rounder

Hydrogen is the most common element in the universe (A full 93% of all atoms in our universe are hydrogen atoms!) and can be used as an energy supplier in fuel cells or by direct combustion.

It can be produced in a variety of ways, including the electrolysis of water, the reforming of natural gas or biogas, and the pyrolysis of hydrocarbons. When the electrolysis of water uses electricity from renewable energy sources such as wind or solar power, the result is "green" hydrogen that produces no CO2 emissions.

Hydrogen can be used as fuel for fuel cells and to generate heat and electricity in power plants. Fuel cells convert hydrogen and oxygen into electrical energy, producing only water as a waste product. These fuel cells can be used in vehicles, ships, aircraft and buildings.

As an energy source, hydrogen can enable a low-carbon future in the long term and has the potential to drive the energy transition by serving as an energy storage device to compensate for fluctuations in power generation from renewable energy sources and thus ensure a continuous supply of electricity.

The German government is backing hydrogen

Hydrogen will play a crucial role in the decarbonization of industry and transport in the future.

The German government shares this view and has launched the National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology Innovation Program (NOW). NOW GmbH aims to promote the market introduction of hydrogen and fuel cell technology in Germany and to support the development of the corresponding infrastructures. This includes, for example, the expansion of hydrogen filling stations, the promotion of research and development, and the support of projects to demonstrate the technology.

NOW coordinates the HyLand program. This is a competition launched in 2019 by the Federal Ministry of Digital Affairs and Transport (BMDV) with the aim of identifying and promoting the most innovative and promising regional hydrogen concepts. HyLand motivates stakeholders in all regions of Germany to initiate, plan and implement hydrogen-related concepts. On April 26, 2023, the winners of the second round in HyPerformer were announced.

Hydrogen project in Thuringia

One of the three winners is the hydrogen project TH2ECO Mobility "Construction of a multifunctional hydrogen filling station at the Erfurt freight transport center". Our Thuringia branch submitted the application in January. On April 26, Michael Theurer, State Secretary at the German Federal Ministry of Digital Affairs and Transport (BMDV), named the winners at the 2nd HyLand Symposium and pledged 15 million euros to the project.

The core objective of the HyPerformer application TH2ECO MOBILITY, submitted by the TH2ECO project under the leadership of EurA AG and with the support of the Thuringian Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Nature Conservation (TMUEN), is the development of an H2 mobility hub at the Erfurt freight transport center (GVZ). This includes the construction of a public hydrogen filling station, including regional H2 production, filling and logistics with various sub-goals: Construction of two electrolysers, connection to a distribution pipeline for hydrogen, development of hydrogen-powered intralogistics, and construction of an H2 filling station and storage trailer. The transition from an isolated solution to a distribution network with connection to a European supply network is to be demonstrated here.

With this hydrogen project, EurA is making a contribution to the energy transition, forcing the way to independence from fossil fuels and strengthening energy security in Germany.

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Autorin: Elisabeth Pfeiffer

Dr Günter Hohmann

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Dr Günter Hohmann

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