- Christina Tanosova
- 16.10.24
- 2 min
- Funding advice, EIC Accelerator, EU funding programmes
Your contact person
Stefan Durm
After many companies without environmentally relevant innovation had used the deadline of 18 March and thus 3,879 applications were submitted, a significantly smaller number of companies (2,101) applied for the Green Deal deadline due to the restriction to environmentally relevant innovations. 202 of the submitted applications came from Germany.
147 of the European companies (20 of them from Germany) were able to present and prove their innovations, their company and their team in a virtual pitch followed by a Q&A session. Almost every second team succeeded in doing so. Thus, 64 companies (with 11 winners from France, 7 from Norway and 5 from Germany) can look forward to a total of €307 million. 30 million € will go to the German winners.
On average, the EU invests € 4.8 million in these companies, whereby the proportion of companies that have chosen the blended finance option, with 37%, is significantly lower than in the deadline of 18 March - here almost every second company received blended financing.
In contrast to the Green Deal deadline, which was only open to environmentally relevant innovations, on 7 October it will once again be possible to apply for funding with all innovations (except innovations that focus on the more efficient use of fossil fuels). Also in this deadline, 25% of the interview invitations will be sent to companies with female executives.
You want to present your innovation to the EU on 7 October? Or would you like to find out first whether the EIC Accelerators suits you?
Then get in touch with us!
Your contact person
Stefan Durm
T- 079619256-0Max-Eyth-Straße 2
73479 Ellwangen