- Christina Tanosova
- 22.07.24
- 2 min
- Funding advice, EIC Accelerator, EU funding programmes
Your contact person
Stefan Durm
In the wake of last Friday's bang (we reported), uncertainty is spreading among applicants in the EIC Accelerator. Although the deadline for submitting full applications has been postponed by 2 weeks until 21 June 2023, the large number of changes takes time, so applicants should definitely not rest too soon at the moment.
In order not to lose track of all the updates and news, we summarise the most important changes for Step 2 here.
Those interested in Step 1 will unfortunately have to wait a little longer. It is foreseen to establish a new platform for Step 1 short applications by the beginning of July 2023.
All applicants in Step 2 should have received several emails by now containing both the current version of their application and links to register their project in the EU Funding & Tenders Portal.
Currently, Step 2 proposals can only be created in the EIC Accelerator directly via these links - it is not yet possible via the search function in the Funding & Tenders Portal.
You need to upload several mandatory documents (+ one optional annex) directly in the Funding & Tenders portal.
Mandatory documents:
Part B: This is the main proposal. It is a text-based document with a maximum of 50 pages and you need to submit it as PDF file.
Pitch Deck: The pitch deck is basically the same as it was in the previous Step 2 applications. It has no slide limit, but you should make sure that you can pitch it in 10 minutes. You need to submit it as PDF file.
Financial information: The financial information has some important changes and also requires more information is previously. So make sure to check that file as soon as possible in order to not struggle before the deadline. You need to upload it in a spreadsheet format.
Mandatory data and consent: This is a completely new document but rather manageable. You also need to upload it in a spreadsheet format.
Results of the freedom to operate (FTO) analysis: This is identical to previous Step 2 applications. You can either upload your FTO or a statement of maximum 2 pages outlining your freedom to operate. You need to submit it as PDF file.
Data management plan (DMP): This annex is also identical to previous Step 2 applications. In case you do not have a DMP, you can upload a statement of maximum 1 page describing the underlying issues. You need to submit it as PDF file.
CVs of key personnel: This is a new annex. You have to merge all relevant CVs into one PDF file in order to submit it.
Letters of intent (LOI): In contrast to previous Step 2 applications, you now need to merge all LOI into one PDF file to submit it.
Optional documents:
Identical to previous Step 2 applications, you can submit up to 10 optional pages providing any additional information you wish to support your application. You need to submit it as PDF file.
In addition, you also need to fill the online form (Part A – Administrative forms) directly in the portal.
Once you have registered your proposal in the EU Funding & Tenders portal, you will find the templates for Part B, the financial information and the mandatory data and consent files directly in the portal. As before, there are no templates for the other annexes, and you are fully free to design them the way you like.
Below you can find the current template (Version 1.4 - 02 June 2023) of the Part B proposal.
You have questions regarding the new submission process or can't find important information? Simply get in touch with us! We will advise and guide you through the application process.
Take advantage of this unique opportunity and elevate your business to the next level with us.
Your contact person
Stefan Durm
T- 079619256-0Max-Eyth-Straße 2
73479 Ellwangen