5G & Beyond technology in application

5G refers to the fifth generation of mobile communications and is therefore the direct successor to 4G. It is now commercially available in many countries and enables higher data rates and better coverage than ever before. Private and public 5G networks have even better characteristics. The development of mobile phone technologies follows a regular cycle of around ten years. For example, the fourth generation (4G) was introduced in the 2010s. 

5G & Beyond technology offers a variety of applications that will revolutionise mobile communications and the way people connect, such as hyper-realistic communication, digital twins or improved coverage of mobile signals.

The benefits of 5G & Beyond are driving the evolution of the communications industry:

- Significantly higher data transfer rates up to potentially 20 Gbit/s.
- Low latency: Response times of up to 1 millisecond enable real-time applications.
- Improved capacity: Support for up to 1 million devices per square kilometre.
- Higher efficiency: lower energy consumption and cost per data volume. 

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Future projects

Reconfigurable intelligent interfaces

Icon_Cyan_RISReconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RIS) is a new, innovative technology that has the potential to significantly improve the capacity and coverage of wireless networks by intelligently reshaping the wireless propagation environment. RIS is seen as one of the key technologies for improving the spectrum utilisation and energy efficiency of future wireless data transmission systems. RIS can be thought of as a kind of intelligent mirror that reflects, refracts and redirects signals around objects. This extends the signal coverage in a targeted manner without integrating additional active elements into the network. The surface is divided into many small control elements (arrays) whose properties can be dynamically adapted as required (reconfiguration), thereby increasing the efficiency of signal transmission. RIS is characterised by simplicity, low energy consumption and easy implementation. In the long term, reconfigurable, intelligent interfaces can help to create an energy-efficient propagation environment.


RIS material structure for customised signal redirection


RIS transform walls into smart communication components



5G and the associated transmission of large amounts of data with low latency times enables precise remote diagnoses in telemedicine based on high-resolution images and videos. 5G also promotes the networking of millions of devices such as sensors and wearables that can transmit vital signs to doctors. Patients can thus be monitored on the move. In acute emergencies, specialists can participate in operations remotely by controlling robotic operating theatre systems.

5G networks also enable telemedicine applications in rural areas with poor infrastructure, as fewer radio masts are required. By networking ambulances, clinics and emergency doctors, patients can receive optimal care while on the move. Overall, 5G & Beyond will significantly advance telemedicine and considerably improve medical care – especially in remote regions.


Surgery from a distance: robotic arms perform operations with millimetre precision

Digital twins

Icon_Cyan_Digital twins

Digital twins are digital images of physical objects or environments such as industrial plants, machines or buildings. Digital twins require high bandwidth and low latency for their real-time updates and complex simulations, which 5G networks offer. As a result, 5G networks enable the seamless connection between digital twins and the physical world, leading to more efficient processes and better decisions. 

In Industry 4.0, production processes can be optimised by identifying and rectifying problems in advance in the simulation without impacting the real plant. In the construction industry, digital twins can be used to visualise and increase the energy efficiency of buildings. In healthcare, they enable the creation of precise patient models to simulate and optimise treatments. In aerospace, they are used to simulate and optimise aircraft and rockets. Last but not least, their application in the smart city concept can improve transport, energy consumption and public safety.

Overall, digital twins based on 5G technology offer the opportunity to test and improve products, systems and processes in a virtual environment before investments are made in the real world.



Digital twins enable precise diagnoses and personalised therapies


Digital twins optimise planning, execution and operation in real time

Which use cases are already benefiting from 5G & Beyond?

Autonomous driving


Wireless 5G communication enables autonomous driving of cars thanks to high data transmission in real time and very low latency. In the process, various technologies such as sensors, camera technology and AI algorithms are networked in order to create an accurate picture of the driving situation at all times. Based on this information, the computer systems make autonomous decisions about steering, acceleration and braking in order to navigate the vehicle safely through traffic. 5G enables this data to be transmitted quickly to the cloud or to other vehicles for processing and analysis. In addition, the vehicle's maps can be updated immediately and it enables teleoperated driving. EurA is the project leader for the 5G-TELK-NF project in North Friesland, where various driving situations are being tested in real-world laboratories.

Industry 4.0


5G is a key enabler for Industry 4.0 as it significantly improves the networking and automation of production processes. With 5G & Beyond, companies can increase their productivity and efficiency by connecting and controlling machines, robots and sensors in real time. 5G enables smart factories – cyber-physical systems – to utilise advanced technologies such as AI, machine learning, Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things to create autonomous ecosystems or to build intelligent 5G campus networks for manufacturing.

Autonomous flying

Icon_Cyan_Autonomes fliegenUnmanned flying of drones and missiles only works safely on the basis of 5G technology, as flight data transmission with minimal latency enables the control systems to make real-time decisions about safe navigation in the airspace. The project 5G-TELK-NF led by EurA tested various drone flight situations in combination with a control centre. The control centre acted as a central link between the 5G campus network and the drones, controlling the drones remotely and displaying various data in real time (position and status of the drone, environmental activities, weather data, etc.).


Real-time communication for more safety in traffic.


5G connects man with machine for optimised production.


Safe navigation through traffic with zero delay.


Autonomously flying drone on an inspection mission.


AI makes autonomous decisions thanks to real-time data.


5G networks drone for precise and safe operations.

Our services as your funding consultant

At EurA, you have your own personal, direct contact for all matters relating to funding in the area of 5G & Beyond. You can take advantage of our full-service package or individual solutions.

Funding check

The funding check identifies suitable European and national funding opportunities for you and helps you to strategically organise your research and development activities. The aim is to select suitable funding programmes. 

Use the individual and project-specific advice of our specialists to find customised solutions to your questions.

Click here for the funding check.

Funding application

As an expert in European and national funding, EurA knows the funding landscape inside out. Ongoing screening of current funding programmes and calls enables us to provide you with the best possible advice.

Our services cover the entire funding process: from project conceptualisation and competent application to project support and beyond.

We have special experience and expertise in state funding from the federal state of Schleswig-Holstein. In the international field, we are also successfully active in selected EU programmes within the framework of HORIZON Europe.

Project conception

We provide you and your research project with comprehensive support during the application process. This includes, among other things, the rough structuring of the project in terms of personnel planning, work package planning and other resources. We guide you through the entire project concept. The goal is a structured approach that also includes the interfaces to potential project partners. Questions relating to the project concept include
  • What are the critical milestones on your development path?
  • How can development risks be minimised?
  • Where do you need external expertise?
Our support with project conceptualisation enables you to implement your project efficiently and in a structured manner.

Innovation networks and exchange

The central element of innovation networks is the networking and initiation of project plans. We network you both horizontally and vertically along your value chain with other partners. By providing insights into other processes, we realise your ideas and encourage the transfer of knowledge.

As a network management organisation, we bring you together, whether in online meetings, face-to-face meetings with network partners or at interesting, network-relevant locations on site.

We regularly organise interesting and exciting network meetings with news from the network, specialist presentations, information on current funding programmes, market information, project workshops, laboratory and company tours.

Ask us today about your networking and cooperation opportunities in the field of innovation networks.

Funding management

We support you beyond the project conception and application phases. The most important aspect of project monitoring is supporting the call for funds from the project organiser.

When it comes to meeting deadlines and conditions, we take over the preparation of plan/actual comparisons and commercial reporting. We provide feedback on the reports for technical reporting to the project organisers.

Project management

Our services for your funding project:

  • Planning, coordinating, moderating
  • Collaboration with all partners, companies and scientific institutions
  • Budget and time management
  • Efficient resource management
  • Internal and external communication (between partners and with stakeholders)
  • Risk management
  • Stakeholder management
  • Quality control
  • Support in the preparation and coordination with the funding organisation / project sponsor
  • Project reviews
  • Transparent reporting and compliance
  • Award management of procurement projects or project subcontracts
  • Change management
  • Settlement of project funding nationally or internationally

EurA – networked throughout Europe

The vision of the networks and projects is to bring together innovative companies with research institutions in order to further develop sustainable systems and components.

ISKNET Network

Innovation network for systems and components for high-performance communication networks

Project 5G TELK

Project for applications in the field of automated flying and driving


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