Superconductor technology in application

Superconductivity is a fascinating phenomenon in which certain materials completely lose their electrical resistance under specific conditions and can conduct electricity without any loss of energy. This opens up enormous opportunities for increasing energy efficiency in various areas of application.

While conventional high-voltage cables have losses of 2-10%, superconducting cables could transport energy over long distances with virtually no losses. This would significantly improve the overall efficiency of the power grid. Superconducting materials also enable the development of more compact and efficient motors and generators. Superconductors could also lead to significant increases in efficiency in energy conversion and storage. However, most superconductors known today still require very low temperatures, which makes their practical application difficult. However, the enormous progress made in cryotechnology is making this increasingly better and more economical. Research into high-temperature and possible room-temperature superconductors could lead to ground-breaking advances in energy efficiency in the future.


Superconductor technology has the potential to enable innovations in other technical areas. It can be found at various stages of development in the following technology fields:


Future projects

Efficient power lines

icon_cyan_power_plugAs illustrated in the blog article ‘Superconductivity – a lean solution to a big problem?’, power lines benefit considerably from superconductors. Loss-free energy transmission, space savings, increased current density and environmental friendliness are the advantages attributed to superconductors. Initial realisations and tests, for example in Essen or Munich, show the potential of superconducting high-voltage lines. Successful pilot projects can pave the way for commercial applications.

Superconductors facilitate the integration of renewable energy sources by transporting large amounts of electricity efficiently and loss-free to the point of use with high grid stability. Further opportunities exist in the technological advancement of high-temperature superconductors, which are more cost-efficient and can be used more flexibly, as well as in the development of innovative grid protection technologies. These so-called superconducting fault current limiters can further increase grid stability and optimise the use of renewable energies. 


Urban space-saving superconductor construction site 2014 (Source: Westenergie)


Less interference with nature with superconductors

Generators and transformers


Superconductors offer significant advantages for generators and transformers. In generators, particularly in wind turbines, for example, superconducting technologies can reduce weight by up to 50 %, enabling lighter towers and smaller foundations. They can be designed to be more compact and lighter, which not only reduces weight but also production costs. They also enable a higher output, often over 10 MW, and improve efficiency through lower losses during operation. One example is a tested 3.6 MW superconducting generator that operated fault-free for over 700 hours.

Transformers also benefit from superconductors as they are more compact and efficient with the same output. Low-loss superconducting transformers require less space and can operate without environmentally hazardous coolants, which makes their use in mobile and stationary systems attractive. Overall, superconducting transformers stand for more efficient and environmentally friendly energy conversion, especially for high outputs from around 1000 MW. High-temperature superconductors promise to make these advantages available at lower outputs in the future.


Superconductors are located in the coils of the rotor

Power storage

Icon_cyan_StromspeicherungSuperconductors play an important role in the storage of energy, particularly through superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES). These systems store electrical energy in a strong magnetic field generated by a superconducting magnet. The advantages are the high efficiency of 90-97 %, the immediate availability of the energy and the unlimited storage period as long as cooling is maintained. The use of this technology makes it possible to store very large amounts of energy in compact units that can be accessed quickly when needed.

This could improve the integration of renewable energies into the electricity grid and increase the stability of the energy supply, especially in the event of fluctuating generation conditions. However, SMES require complex cooling to very low temperatures and are expensive. There are therefore theoretical approaches to reducing costs, for example by scaling up the storage capacity. By developing larger SMES systems with storage capacities of 1-2 MWh, instead of the current 55.6 Wh, the costs per stored energy unit could be reduced. Further possibilities are offered by series production and further improvement of the materials.


Conventional batteries as a symbol for electricity storage


Accumulator rows in the storage power plant

Which technologies are already benefiting from superconductors?

Energy transmission as an example

icon_cyan_power_plugThe property of superconductivity opens up a wide range of innovative applications. Over the last few decades, research into superconductors has steadily increased, leading to new discoveries that could fundamentally change our understanding of electricity and magnetism.

Superconductor technology is revolutionising the energy sector through lossless power transmission. Superconductors enable the efficient transmission of electrical energy over long distances, minimising energy losses. They are used in high-voltage direct current transmissions, transformers and generators. In addition, superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) offers a fast and effective way of storing and supplying large amounts of energy, especially in times of high demand.

Research as an example

Icon_cyan_Anmietung des Optik-LaborsSuperconductors play a crucial role in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the world's most powerful particle accelerator. The superconducting magnets of the LHC, which are made of a niobium-titanium alloy, generate magnetic fields of up to 8 Tesla, which are necessary for deflecting the particle beams on their circular path. Without these superconducting magnets, the LHC ring would be 120 kilometres long instead of the current 27 kilometres and would require around forty times more electrical energy.

Magnetic levitation railway example


Superconductors can be used in the field of transport due to the Meissner-Ochsenfeld effect. This describes the ability of superconductors to completely displace an external magnetic field from its interior when it enters the superconducting state. This means that superconductors not only act as ideal conductors, but also as ideal diamagnets. This effect was used in the maglev train, a prototype of which is on display at the Munich Transport Centre. The ‘supra-glider’ hovers a few centimetres above a magnetic track and can be set in motion with a gentle push. There are already plans to implement maglev trains in public transport in Japan and China.

Medical technology as an example

Icon_cyan_MedizinSuperconductors offer significant advantages in medical technology, particularly in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). They make it possible to generate extremely strong magnetic fields, which are crucial for high-resolution images of soft tissue and tumours. This improves tumour detection and treatment, as the tumour can be more precisely differentiated from healthy tissue. In addition, real-time MRI imaging allows adjustments to be made during radiotherapy, making treatment more effective.


Patient for examination in the magnetic resonance tomograph


Large Hadron Collider particle accelerator at CERN


Stable levitation due to the Meissner-Ochsenfeld effect


Structure of a superconductor cable: conductor, insulation, cooling


CERN facility for research into elementary particles


Maglev railway without direct contact to the rails

Our services as your funding consultant

At EurA, you have your own personal, direct contact for all matters relating to subsidies in the field of superconductivity. You can take advantage of our full-service package or individual solutions.

Funding check

The funding check identifies suitable European and national funding opportunities for you and helps you to strategically align your research and development activities. The aim is to select suitable funding programmes. 

Use the individual and project-specific advice of our specialists to find customised solutions to your questions.

Click here for the funding check.

Funding application

As an expert in European and national funding, EurA knows the funding landscape inside out. Ongoing screening of current funding programmes and calls enables us to provide you with the best possible advice.

Our services cover the entire funding process: from project conceptualisation and competent application to project support and beyond.

We have special experience and expertise in state funding from the federal state of Schleswig-Holstein. In the international field, we are also successfully active in selected EU programmes within the framework of HORIZON Europe.

Thanks to our many years of experience in the field of sustainable mobility and renewable energies, we also have the relevant expertise in innovation and funding opportunities specific to these sectors. Take advantage of our experience in the areas of automated, connected and electric driving, unmanned aircraft vehicles (UAV) and drone aviation, decentralised energy supply and integration of the 5G mobile communications standard in areas of mobility.

Project conception

We provide you and your research project with comprehensive support during the application process. This includes, among other things, the rough structuring of the project in terms of personnel planning, work package planning and other resources. We guide you through the entire project concept. The goal is a structured approach that also includes the interfaces to potential project partners. Questions relating to the project concept include

  • What are the critical milestones on your development path?
  • How can development risks be minimised?
  • Where do you need external expertise?

Our support with project conceptualisation enables you to implement your project efficiently and in a structured manner.

Innovation networks and exchange

The central element of innovation networks is the networking and initiation of project plans. We network you both horizontally and vertically along your value chain with other partners. By providing insights into other processes, we realise your ideas and encourage the transfer of knowledge.


As a network management organisation, we bring you together, whether in online meetings, face-to-face meetings with network partners or at interesting, network-relevant locations on site.


We regularly organise interesting and exciting network meetings with news from the network, specialist presentations, information on current funding programmes, market information, project workshops, laboratory and company tours.


Ask us today about your networking and cooperation opportunities in the field of innovation networks.

Funding management

We support you beyond the project conception and application phases. The most important aspect of project monitoring is supporting the call for funds from the project organiser.


When it comes to meeting deadlines and conditions, we take over the preparation of plan/actual comparisons and commercial reporting. We provide feedback on the reports for technical reporting to the project organiser.

Project management

Our services for your funding project:

  • Planning, coordinating, moderating
  • Co-operation with all partners, companies and scientific institutions
  • Budget and time management
  • Efficient resource management
  • Internal and external communication (between partners and with stakeholders)
  • Risk management
  • Stakeholder management
  • Quality control
  • Support in the preparation and coordination with the funding organisation / project sponsor
  • Project reviews
  • Transparent reporting and compliance
  • Award management of procurement projects or project subcontracts
  • Change management
  • Settlement of project funding nationally or internationally

EurA – networked throughout Europe

The vision of the network is to bring together innovative companies with research institutions in order to further develop sustainable electricity supply.

Technology for safe power supply

Development of a competitive solution for power grid expansion with superconductor technology.


You can find interesting blog articles about superconductivity, hydrogen and our projects on our blog.

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